YOGYAKARTA - BPJS Kesehatan provides health insurance for all participants. However, not all medical conditions can be directly treated in hospitals without referrals.

One exception is an emergency condition. So what are the BPJS emergency criteria? Let's see the full explanation.

Reporting from the website of RT Notopouro Sidoarjo Hospital, this rule is based on BPJS Health Regulation Number 1 of 2018.

Based on Articles 3 and 4, BPJS Kesehatan is also responsible for providing emergency medical services. This service can only be provided if the patient's condition is really emergency and must be carried out in the Emergency Installation Room (IGD). All procedures carried out must comply with applicable regulations.

Then if there is an emergency, BPJS Kesehatan will try its best to provide first aid as soon as possible. The goal is to prevent the patient's condition from getting worse or even dying. This service will be provided in accordance with the capabilities of available health facilities.

The first level health facility (FKTP) or advanced referral health facility (FKRTL), whether in collaboration with BPJS Kesehatan or not, can provide medical emergency services.

In order for this service to be borne by BPJS Kesehatan, patients must meet the criteria for medical emergency, get treatment in the examination room or emergency room, and the handling process must be in accordance with the applicable medical procedures for emergency cases.

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Have you had a traffic accident and were seriously injured? Or suddenly feel a very severe chest pain? In an emergency like this, BPJS Health participants can go directly to the nearest hospital emergency room without the need to bring a referral letter from health facilities 1.

The conditions that are considered emergency include life threats, vital function disorders such as difficulty breathing or decreased consciousness, as well as conditions that require immediate medical action. Here are some emergency conditions that need immediate treatment:

BPJS Kesehatan participants who experience medical emergency conditions are also entitled to various types of services, such as thorough examination, proper treatment, and support for the necessary medical equipment.

In addition, BPJS also bears the costs of hospitalization, including providing blood and medicine, as well as ambulance services for referrals to more complete health facilities.

When BPJS Kesehatan participants come to the FKRTL Emergency Installation, officers will immediately conduct an assessment of health conditions to determine the emergency level.

After that, the patient will get the necessary medical treatment. The administrative process, such as BPJS membership verification and explanation of the coverage of benefits, will be carried out in parallel.

After the service is complete, patients or families will be asked to sign proof of service provided by FKRTL as a sign that the patient has received information about the services provided and agrees with the costs borne by BPJS Kesehatan.

So, if you or your closest person experience life-threatening conditions or require immediate medical treatment, don't hesitate to go straight to the nearest emergency room. The medical team will immediately provide the necessary treatment

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