Bone Police together with the South Sulawesi Regional Police formed a joint team to investigate the tragic shooting case that killed lawyer Rudi S Gani (49). The victim was shot by an unknown person (OTK) at his wife's residence, Pattuku Limpoe Village, Lappariaja District, Bone Regency, South Sulawesi, on New Year's Eve, Tuesday 31 December, at around 22.30 WITA.

Rudi S Gani died with gunshot wounds to his face, precisely on the right cheek, while gathering with his family. The victim died after being taken to the Lappariaja Health Center.

The Head of Subsidy for PIDM Sihumas Polres Bone, Iptu Rayendra Muchtar, said that the Forensic Laboratory (Labfor) team of the South Sulawesi Police had conducted an investigation of the crime scene (TKP). An intensive investigation is underway to reveal the perpetrators and the motive behind the incident.

"The step we took was to form a joint team to handle this case," Rayendra told reporters on Wednesday, January 1.

According to witness testimony, the victim was having dinner with his family when the sound of an explosion was heard suddenly. A moment later, the victim was found lying with a gunshot wound to the face.

The police are currently still waiting for the results of the autopsy conducted by the South Sulawesi Regional Police Biddokes to obtain further information regarding the cause of death.

"We will continue to work optimally to reveal the perpetrators and the motive behind this incident," said Rayendra.

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