JAKARTA - The DKI Jakarta Provincial National Narcotics Agency (BNNP) explained that narcotics trafficking in Jakarta is difficult to eradicate because it is related to the economic condition of the community. Even in 2025, BNNP said there was still an increase.
Head of DKI Jakarta BNNP Brigadier General R. Nurhadi Yuwono, said narcotics trafficking increased in 2025, due to economic factors.
"Based on the results of intelligence analysis, the prediction of the circulation of narcotics cases in DKI Jakarta in 2025 tends to continue to increase due to economic factors," Nurhadi told reporters, Monday, December 30, 2024.
According to him, this will have a major impact on how people seek income to meet their daily needs.
"There will be a trend of taking a short path to meet economic needs as a dealer or courier (drugs)," he said.
On the other hand, he continued, the DKI Jakarta BNNP succeeded in uncovering 21 narcotics trafficking cases throughout 2024.
From the disclosure of dozens of narcotics trafficking cases, the DKI Jakarta BNNP confiscated evidence of methamphetamine weighing 2,790.8 grams (2.7 kg). In addition to methamphetamine, the DKI Jakarta BNNP also confiscated 32,706.59 grams of marijuana (32.7 kg), and 236 ecstasy pills.
Disclosure of narcotics cases in 2024, exceeds the set target.
"In 2024, the BNN of DKI Jakarta Province succeeded in exceeding the target set by uncovering 21 case files or 233.33 percent of the 2024 target of 9 case files," he said.
Nurhadi continued, from the disclosure, BNNP has named 21 suspects.
"There are 2 DPOs from the previous case. 1 suspect is a case DPO in 2024 and is a prisoner who is in the Tangerang prison and 1 suspect is a DPO of the 2023 case who managed to escape," he said.
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