BENGKULU - The Health Office (Dinkes) of Mukomuko Regency, Bengkulu Province, stated that one person who stabbed two mothers with the status of housewives to death was recorded as a mental disorder patient.

"The patient was indeed recorded by our patients, but we have not officially identified him in the system, but he is listed as a person with a mental disorder (ODGJ)," said Secretary of the Mukomuko District Health Office Jajad Sudrajad when contacted from Mukomuko, Monday, December 30, as reported by Antara.

He said this, responding to the murder of two residents of the IX Settlement Unit (SP) Tanjung Mulya Village which was carried out by a resident of SP X Rawa Bangun Village who was suspected of being ODGJ.

A number of residents of the IX Settlement Unit (SP) Tanjung Mulya Village, Mukomuko Regency, together with Bhabinkamtibmas arrested one person who stabbed two local residents to death.

The two residents of Tanjung Mulya Village who were victims of the stabbing were Turni and Umi Khofifah, both women who were married aged 50 and 40 years.

Jajad said that with the latest status, the person needed to involve an expert because there was a legal connection.

"So related to this incident, we do not dare to make a statement about the person concerned being declared ODGJ with a diagnosis, it is better to wait for an expert from a mental hospital," he said.

The head of Tanjung Mulya Village, Lubuk Pinang Wardoyo District when contacted from Mukomuko previously said that the stabbing of the two residents was around 11.30 WIB in two different locations in his area.

Of these two victims, he said, one Turni victim suffered a stabbing at RT 15 in the area, then another victim was stabbed while he was at his house.

He said that currently the perpetrators had been handed over by residents and Bhabinkamtibmas officers to the Mukomuko Police.

Furthermore, his party handed over the stabbing case of two of its citizens to law enforcement officials in accordance with applicable regulations.

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