JAKARTA - National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo appointed Brigadier General Gatot Tri Suryanta to replace Inspector General Suharyono as West Sumatra Police Chief (West Sumatra).

The transfer of Inspector General Suharyono's position was stated in a Telegram Letter (ST) with the number ST/2775/XII/KEP./2024 dated December 29.

"West Sumatra Police Chief Brigadier General Gatot Tri Suryanta," said Karo Penmas, Police Public Relations Division, Brigadier General Trunoyudo Wisnu Andiko in his statement, Monday, December 30.

Inspector General Suharyono is known to have been transferred from his position because he entered retirement or retirement. Sehungga, the National Police Chief, appointed a figure who was deemed appropriate to fill the position.

"It was transferred as Pati Polda West Sumatra in order to retire," said Trunoyudo.

Meanwhile, the National Police Chief issued four STs registered with ST/2775/XII/KEP./2024 to ST/2779/XII/KEP./2024.

Overall, as many as 734 personnel ranging from high-ranking officers (pati) to transferred middle-ranking officers (pamen).

Of the hundreds, there are several Pamens appointed as Chief of Police. Five of them are female police officers (polwan).

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