PALEMBANG - The Panel of Judges at the Class IA Palembang District Court sentenced former Palembang DPRD member Doni (30) and four other defendants to death. The five of them were proven to be involved in cross-country drug trafficking.

Chief Judge Bongbongan Silaban in his decision said that Doni and the four other defendants, Alamsyah, Ahmad Najmi Ermawan, Yati Suharman, and Mulyadi (separate files) were proven to have narcotics in the form of four kilograms of shabu-shabu and 21,160 ecstasy pills.

"Sentenced the defendant to the death penalty," said Bongongan while reading out the sentences for the five defendants in turn quoted by Antara, Thursday, April 15.

The panel assessed that the five defendants violated 114 paragraph (2) in conjunction with Article 132 paragraph (1) of Law Number 35 of 2009 concerning Narcotics and there were no things that lightened the sentence for the defendant.

The assembly even mentioned things that were burdensome to the five of them, namely that they were contrary to the government's drug eradication program, these acts were damaging to the younger generation, including organized crime, and were categorized as transnational transactions.

It was proven based on the facts of the trial that Mulyadi's testimony confirmed by Doni that the four kilograms of drugs that were secured by the National Narcotics Agency in March 2020 were sent from Malaysia, the panel of judges said.

Meanwhile, specifically for the defendant Doni, the panel of judges gave a weighting point because Doni could not provide a good example in his position as a member of the Palembang City DPRD, besides that Doni had also served a previous sentence in a narcotics case.

"This means that the defendant (Doni) did not make the sentence a lesson but instead increased his crime," Bongbongan added.

The trial itself was marked by the defendant Yati crying with her head down while listening to the verdict from the Palembang Women's Prison via a video connection.

Meanwhile, the five defendants filed an appeal.

"For Yati, it should be a life sentence because she is only a courier," said the attorney for the five defendants, Supendi, who was contacted after the trial.

Doni was arrested by the joint BNN team on September 29, 2020 at his shop on Jalan Riau, Kelurahan 26 Ilir Barat I Palembang.

Doni's arrest was the result of the development of the case of the defendant Mulyadi who was arrested earlier in Medan. Doni was arrested after the joint team first arrested two of his men (Yati and Joko) who were transacting.

However, the defendant Joko escaped while undergoing treatment at the Bhayangkara Hospital in Palembang in January 2021 and is still at large, so prosecution cannot be carried out.

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