JAKARTA - Defendant Rizieq Shihab and Bogor Mayor Bima Arya labeled each other as liars. This label was given during the trial of ummi hospital swab test results.

Rizieq Shihab labeled Bima Arya as a liar on the grounds that no agreement was violated by UMMI Hospital and Hanif Alatas.

Initially, the agreement between the three, namely, UMMI Bogor Hospital will submit the results of Rizieq Shihab swab when it is completed.

"I make a statement that the witness of Bima Arya today committed a lie for the sake of lies. He lied that UMMI Hospital violated the agreement, he lied and said habib Hanif lied in violation of the agreement. So I want to say no deal was violated. The deal is still ongoing," Rizieq said at a hearing at the East Jakarta District Court on Wednesday, April 14.

Rizieq said, UMMI Hospital can not give certainty about the health condition that is reportedly infected with COVID-19. Because, the PCR examination process is still ongoing.

"UMMI Hospital can not give certainty because the PCR test was done that afternoon had to wait but the concerned can not wait then report to the criminal realm," he said.

Until finally, Rizieq labeled Bima Arya as a liar. In fact, the lie is called bima arya as mayor and task force COVID-19.

"I ask that Bima Arya, the Mayor of Bogor and the Head of the COVID-19 Task Force in this holy court, have committed lies on lies," Rizieq said.

After the trial was over, Bima answered Rizieq Shihab who called him a liar.

According to Bima, what he did was purely a task as the Head of the COVID Task Force, not because of the political element.

"There is no political factor there are no other factors pure pressure just protect my citizens carry out my duties so that the citizens of Bogor are not exposed, away from pressure or political elements are really elements of health," said Bima.

Bima Arya instead called Rizieq Shihab lying because he claimed that his condition is good and healthy. In fact, based on the data, Rizieq was declared COVID-19.

"I stated that habib lied. I said that what Habib said while in UMMI Hospital that he was healthy and so on was not appropriate," he said.

"Because the indication of COVID is there, the team of doctors will convey to habib earlier, that in Rumkit UMMI the antigennya has been positive and then the indication of COVID is also there, yes it means it is not healthy," said Bima

For that reason, he or the Task Force officer must pocket the results of rizieq Shihab's swab test. The data will be used as a guideline in determining the next steps.

Meanwhile, a liar label was given to Rizieq for covering up his condition that was declared COVID-19. In fact, at the time of the trial Bima insisted that he would not revoke his testimony about the lies that had been contained in the news of the examination event (BAP).

Initially, Rizieq who was given the opportunity by the panel of judges gave a statement if there was no intention to lie about his condition. Because, when treated at UMMI Hospital is healthy and do not know if it is positive COVID-19.

"You with the perception of the doctor is different? Because when you are examined if suddenly your kidneys have problems can not be said you lie,"Said Rizieq.

"You say you're healthy you're right. So do I when I say I feel fit I want to go home hopefully in the future I am healthy walafiat. Then where am I said to be lying?" continued Rizieq.

Rizieq who at that time received criticism from the public prosecutor (JPU) alluded to Bima Arya if convinced by his decision.

In fact, Rizieq at that time also offered bima arya to retract his report. Thus, the matter can be resolved.

"So gini I mean this Mr. Bima Arya, we better be honest I ask you honestly if you say lie yes already, or I khilaf finished this important trial facts. You can retract your statement there. If you unplug it's done," Rizieq said.

Responding to Rizieq's statement, Bima asserted his testimony about the former High Imam of the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) was lying according to the BAP. At that time, investigators questioned Rizieq's condition as presented healthy and not exposed to COVID-19, so explained the actual condition.

"The investigator asked me, the head of the task force whether you know the actual condition of Habib Rizieq, is the question in accordance with the actual condition? I convey that what he conveyed is not in accordance with the actual conditions," explained Bima.

Rizieq who was surprised by Bima's testimony directly mentioned that he was included in the category of People Without Symptoms (OTG).

"That's my question to him, why am I being told to lie? I told you there is OTG he's the Head of the Task Force if anyone OTG asked you healthy he said healthy. Then after being examined sick should not be called he lied. He himself agreed with the theory, why do you want to stick with your statement?" he said.

This debate made the atmosphere of the trial heated up. Finally, presiding judge MH Khadwanto mediated the debate. Then, asking the Bima Arya a question about his testimony.

"Do you stick to the description?" the judge said.

"God willing, so that is delivered not in accordance with the time," replied Bima.

"So it remains that I was a lie. let's conform to this, so do not diputer,"Said Rizieq.

For information, in this case Rizieq Shihab is accused of spreading false news or hoaxes that caused trouble. This false news is related to his health condition that was confirmed positive for COVID-19 while in UMMI Hospital Bogor, West Java.

Thus, Rizieq Shihab is considered to have violated Article 14 paragraph (1), paragraph (2), Article 15 of Law No. 1 of 1946 concerning The Regulation of Criminal Law and/or Article 14 paragraph (1), paragraph (2) of Law No. 4 of 1984 concerning Infectious Disease Outbreak and/or Article 216 of the Criminal Code jo Article 55 paragraph (1) of the 1st Criminal Code.

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