JAKARTA - The head of the Traffic Corps (Kakorlantas) of the National Police Irjen Istiono consulted his members so as not to teledor so that the public escaped the Eid al-Fitr holiday. If found teledor then the member will be severely sanctioned.

"Stubborn there must be, sanctions also exist especially at the time of operation. I make sure the penalty is doubled, if locked up 21 days it will add another 21 days. I make sure that the penalty is doubled," Irjen Istiono told reporters on Tuesday, April 13.

Istiono made sure no member tried to 'play' in implementing the policy. The national police support the government's policy of banning homecoming to reduce the number of spread of COVID-19 can be met.

"So at the time of operation members do not commit violations. Let alone mess around in this situation. All must do the rules set, must comply with our SOP," he said.

In addition, Istiono guarantees strict security so that no one can escape the sealing scheme during the Eid al-Fitr holiday. Because, alternative roads and rat tracks are anticipated.

"I guarantee I won't get away with it. Jalan tikus, want a smaller than the mouse we will block, or from Jakarta to Java, Jakarta to Sumatra we have partitioned, namely the sealing posts we have built," he said.

The police prepared a sealing scheme in accordance with the implementation of the policy of banning homecoming, namely on May 6-17. There are at least 333 sealing points in various regions.

"At this momentum, the National Police will hold a sealing at 333 points, especially from Lampung to Bali," said Irjen Istiono.

The sealing points are on the borders of provinces and districts. Stubborn people still returning home will be prevented.

The implementation of this policy aims to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Because referring to the data of each long holiday must have an impact on the increase in positive cases of COVID-19.

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