JAKARTA - Deputy Governor of DKI Jakarta, Ahmad Riza Patria explained why the Governor of DKI Anies Baswedan loosened the operating hours of restaurants during the month of Ramadan this year.
Riza said that the Provincial Government of DKI Jakarta wants to facilitate the Muslim community to eat iftar food. Because, he said, many people break the fast later than usual
"We'll give people as much time as possible. Moreover, we are doing tarawih prayer. Many people who break the fast only drink tea or compotes or dates, they will have dinner after tarawih", Riza said at DKI City Hall, Central Jakarta, Tuesday, April 13.
Riza said that one of the considerations Anies dare to loosen the operating hours of restaurants in the mass pandemic because of the trend of the development of COVID-19 cases that began to decline.
However, Riza urged people to keep breaking their fast at home to minimize the transmission of COVID-19. "That's why, you buy a meal at the restaurant and then eat it at home. Unless there is an activity (outside the house), to the restaurant", he explained.
Previously, the Governor of DKI Jakarta Anies Baswedan decided to extend the operating hours of restaurants, or cafes during the month of Ramadan. This is stated in Governor's Decree No. 434 of 2021.
"To support community activities in carrying out the holy month of Ramadan in 1442 Hijri with adjustment of the type of restriction of micro-based community activities on restaurant activities, the Goveror's Decree No. 405 of 2021 needs to be changed", said Anies.
Food stalls, restaurants, cafes, street vendors, or stalls at the construction site and temporary location, on-site dining services, or dine-in are extended until 22.30 p.m. local time.
Then, restaurants can operate again at 02.00 to 04.30 a.m. local time to serve the needs of suhoor (pre-dawn meal). Then, take away/delivery can operate 24 hours. Eat or drink in places with at most 50 percent of the visitor's capacity.
However, the Head of The Office of Industry, Trade, Cooperatives, Small and Medium Enterprises (PPKUKM) DKI Jakarta, Andri Yansyah explained that the operating hours of shopping centers (malls) including restaurants in it do not get an extension of operational time.
"When viewed from the provisions, here does not regulate the problem of malls. Thus, I translate that the mall remains closed at 21.00 p.m. local time, including the tenants in it", said Andri.
Andri said that the PPUKM Office also never reviewed the plan to extend the operational hours of malls in Jakarta. Because, so far, the mall's operations have been extended, from 19.00 p.m., to 20.00 p.m., and now until 21.00 p.m.
"The Governor's decision regulates the place of restaurants or places to eat outside the mall and is not mentioned specifically to the mall. Therefore, the mall closes at 21.00 p.m. local time including the restaurants in it", said Andri.
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