JAKARTA - The feud between the two lightly steel companies holding rights to the KASO and KasoMax brands never ends. This is because the owner of the KasoMAX brand decided to file an appeal to the Supreme Court (MA).
The owner of the KasoMAX brand, Tedi Hartono through his attorney, Teddy Anggor, said the decision was because the claim by the owner of the KASO brand was based on the similarity of names that were considered confusing to consumers.
"We filed an appeal with the Supreme Court in the hope that justice will be upheld," Teddy told reporters, Friday, December 6.
In addition, the registration of the name of the type of goods as a brand contradicts the principles of trademarks. For example, such as the name of coffee registered as a brand, its use by other people will be considered a violation.
"This is the same as the case of KASO. Types of goods that should be common are monopolized as brands," said Teddy.
In addition to cassation efforts, his party also urged the Directorate General of Intellectual Property (DJKI) to act decisively if the Supreme Court decides that the registration of the KASO brand violates the rules.
"If the Supreme Court decides that there is a mistake, DJKI must immediately remove the brand from the list, and even take the initiative to make efforts to remove the brand which is an activity from the Minister, in this case DJKI," said Teddy.
Meanwhile, Tedi, the owner of the KasoMax brand, said that the use of the KASO brand, which refers to the type of goods, is that the roof frame of the house is considered to be a monopoly of terms that should be common in nature.
"The task force is a type of item, which is the roof frame of the house. But because it is used as a brand, there are parties who claim it so that it monopolizes the name," said Tedi.
He said he had been a suspect in a criminal case of trademark violations due to using the name Kaso. In fact, according to surveys and facts, Kaso is the name of the type of goods.
This makes me, who registered the next brand, involved in disputes and criminal acts. In fact, I was a suspect just because I used a name that according to surveys and facts, is a type of item, not a brand," said Tedi.
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