JAKARTA - A 5-year-old girl died allegedly because she was a victim of rape in the Pasar Rebo area, East Jakarta. Regarding the investigation into the case, the police examined the father and the grandmother of the boy.

"There are several parties who have taken information in the investigation stage called clarification, the victim's father, the victim's uncle, and the victim's grandmother," said Head of Public Relations of Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Ade Ary Syam Indradi to reporters, Friday, December 6.

Not only that, investigators also examined the victim's neighbors. This is done to reveal the cause of death of the boy.

"The neighbors around the location are to collect information related to the series of events," he said.

In addition, investigators also continue to collect evidence and clues, one of which is the results of the post-mortem from the boy.

It is known that the boy with the initials A was taken to Pasar Rebo Hospital. From the results of the examination, irregularities were found which were the cause of death.

"It has been autopsied," said Ade.

As previously reported, a 5-year-old girl died allegedly as a result of rape victims by her closest people.

The incident was uploaded to an Instagram social media account. In the video footage, the victim was buried by residents after he died.

The cause of death is still a mystery. However, according to the rumors, the boy was a victim of rape.

Before exhaling his last breath, the victim complained of pain in his vital parts. Then the victim experienced a fever and was treated at the nearest hospital. However, the victim's life could not be saved until the victim died.

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