JAKARTA - The National Human Rights Commission (Komnas HAM) said it would study the complaints of Thomas Trikasih Lembong's wife and attorney regarding allegations of arbitrariness by law enforcement officials.

"This case will not be attended by three commissioners and the leadership of Komnas HAM who will decide what this case will be like," said Komnas HAM member for Complaints Hari Kurniawan in Jakarta, Friday.

According to him, the complaint will be dissected first for 7 working days before Komnas HAM determines steps related to the case.

When asked whether to give amicus theft or court friend to Tom Lembong, Hari could not confirm because it was a follow-up to the handling of the complaint.

"When it comes to amicus stealing, I can't decide because it has entered the follow-up to the handling," he said.

During the hearing, Tom Lembong's wife and attorney asked Komnas HAM to oversee the legal process which was deemed full of arbitrariness.

"Earlier there was a request from the family for Komnas HAM to supervise and monitor the Tom Lembong case," he said.

Previously, the AGO had named two suspects in the case, namely Tom Lembong as Minister of Trade for the 2015'2016 period and CS as Director of Business Development of PT PPI.

In his statement, the AGO said that this case began when Tom Lembong as Minister of Trade at that time gave PT AP a permit to import 105,000 tons of crystal sugar to be processed into white crystal sugar.

In fact, in the coordination meeting (rakor) between ministries on May 12, 2015, it was concluded that Indonesia was experiencing a sugar surplus so it did not require sugar imports.

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