SUKABUMI - The National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB) stated that as many as seven people were still reported missing due to flash floods and landslides in Sukabumi Regency, West Java.
"Yes, there are seven that are still missing in the search process," said Head of BNPB Suharyanto as quoted by ANTARA, Friday, December 6.
It is estimated that the number of missing victims can still increase considering that the data collection process is still ongoing by the team in the field.
Likewise, the number of fatalities based on BNPB data increased to eight people who died. The two victims who died were identified as Aden Dafa and Ade Wahyu, residents of Simpenan District, Sukabumi Regency.
"This data is still moving, yes, data collection continues. Usually, if it decreases, it doesn't exist, but it will definitely increase," he said.
Suharyanto ensured that the entire team of BNPB joint officers, Tagana Ministry of Social Affairs, Basarnas, TNI, Polri, local government technical services were determined to handle the impact of the hydrometeorological disaster in West Java to the end.
This is in accordance with the direction of Vice President Gibran Rakabuming Raka who directly checked the handling of disaster victims at the evacuation post of the Sukamaju Village Hall, Cikembar District, West Java, this afternoon.
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