JAKARTA - Aipda Nikson Jeni Pangaribuan alias Ucok alias N (41), a suspect in the case of abuse and murder of his biological mother in Cilengsi, is still undergoing psychological observations at the Kramat Jati Police Hospital, East Jakarta.

"Not yet (completed observation of Aipda N). Because this is the 2 December 2024 observation, so we are still observing it, we are still being treated," said the Mental Specialist at the Kramat Jati Police Hospital, Henny Riana when confirmed, Friday, December 6.

According to Henny, observations of Aipda N last up to 14 working days so that the observation process runs optimally.

"But if for example everything is complete later, we will put it in Visum et Repertum Psychiatricum (VeRP)," he said.

Later, the VeRP will be handed over by investigators from the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Cilengsi Police of the Bogor Police and the Propam Bid of the Metro Jaya Police regarding this case.

In addition, from the results of the examination of the Profession and Security Division (Bid Propam) of the Polda Metro Jaya, a letter of medical history was found experienced by a suspected violator named Aipda N. It is suspected that the violator Aipda N was recorded as having a mental disorder.

Previously reported, the Kramat Jati Police Hospital, East Jakarta, stated that Aipda Nikson Jeni Pangaribuan alias Ucok alias N (41), a suspect in the case of abuse and murder of his biological mother in Cilengsi, has been a psychiatric patient at the Police Hospital since 2020.

"Aipda N, a member of the Bekasi Metro Police, is a patient at Bhayangkara Hospital Level 1 Police Health Center, recorded since 2020. The patient has been hospitalized repeatedly," said the Mental Specialist at the Kramat Jati Police Hospital, Henny Riana to reporters, Thursday, December 5, evening.

Aipda Nikson last underwent hospitalization as a patient on March 8, 2024. He was treated for 16 days. Then the last patient was out for outpatient treatment at a psychiatric poly on October 23, 2024.

However, when Aipda N is re-scheduled, control will return on November 22 in 2024, but the patient is not present at the soul poly.

"As of Sunday December 2024, at around 22.30 WIB, information has been obtained about the existence of persecution which resulted in people dying in Bogor Regency which was allegedly carried out by Aipda N," he said.

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