JAKARTA - Member of Commission III of the House of Representatives Arteria Dahlan asked police officers to shoot dead dealers and drug couriers following the increasing circulation during the pandemic. Decisive action is intended to reduce the number of narcotic abuse.

According to Arteria, the assertiveness of the crackdown at the same time revealed the mastermind of drug trafficking in the country. Moreover, the dangers of abuse target many teenagers and children.

"If there is firmness then it will be seen who is involved. We know which are baking sheets and which are gold", Arteria said Tuesday, April 13.

Moreover, according to Arteria, there are currently five million Indonesians involved in drugs. In fact, 250 residents in prisons and prisons are also still stuck in drug cases.

"We can no longer compromise with this so that decisive and humanist crackdown must be done by the police", said the PDIP Party politician.

Arteria assessed that if this condition persists, then the number of assisted citizens in the prison will increase. As a result, the prison capacity can no longer accommodate the release of prisoners/inmates drug cases.

"Now prison is a lot of food that 70 percent finances the addicts. I insist there must be police discretion to shoot dead drug dealers and couriers. For victims or users can be rehabilitated", Arteria said.

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