JAKARTA - The Semarang Legal Aid Institute (LBH) has urged the National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo to dismiss Kombes Pol Irwan Anwar from the position of Semarang Police Chief.
According to LBH, the Semarang Police Chief did not reveal the real facts regarding the shooting case that killed a student at SMKN 4 Semarang named Gamma Rizkynata Oktafandy (17) who was suspected of being a member of the police Aipda Robig Zainudin.
"Urges the dismissal of the Head of the Semarang Polrestabes who has lied to the public several times with false chronology statements," read a statement from LBH Semarang in a written statement, quoted on Thursday, December 5.
LBH Semarang considers that in the Hearing Meeting (RDP) with Commission III of the DPR at the Parliament Complex, Senayan, Jakarta, Tuesday, December 3, the Semarang Police Chief's statement regarding the chronology of Gamma's death was not appropriate.
In the RDP, the Semarang Police Chief said the chronology of the shooting incident began with Aipda Robig who witnessed several motorbikes chasing each other, and one of the riders was seen carrying sharp weapons.
"In fact, previously, the Semarang Polrestabes said the chronology of the shooting began with Aipda Robig who saw a brawl between two gangsters in West Semarang," continued the statement by LBH Semarang.
The RDP between the Semarang Police Chief and Commission III of the DPR was carried out the day after CCTV evidence from the minimarket where the shooting took place showed Aipda Robig shooting Gamma was widely spread.
According to LBH Semarang, based on the CCTV footage, coupled with several witness statements met by LBH around the scene, the statement from the Semarang Police regarding this chronology is very much different from the facts that actually happened.
"In the CCTV footage evidence, it can be seen that Gamma and several of his friends did not fight. The Head of Propam of the Central Java Police at the RDP together with Commission III of the DPR also said that the shooting carried out by Aipda Robig against the victim was not related to the disbandment of the brawl, but because Aipda Robig did not accept that his motorcycle was accidentally grabbed by one of the vehicles that was with Gamma," continued the statement by LBH Semarang.
"Thus, the shooting carried out by Aipda Robig cannot be justified, because in this case Aipda Robig is not in an urgent or defensive state to carry out the shooting act that killed Gamma," continued the statement.
On that basis, LBH Semarang filed five demands, one of which urged the National Police Chief to dismiss the Semarang Police Chief. Here are five demands of LBH Semarang:
1. Semarang Polrestabes to immediately reveal the real facts regarding the shooting case that killed Gamma and carried out a fair law enforcement process
2. Urging the dismissal of Aipda Robig who had killed Gamma and demanded that Aipda Robig be punished properly
3. Urging the dismissal of the Head of the Semarang Polrestabes who has lied to the public several times with false chronology statements
4. Demanding the Semarang Polrestabes to stop acts of intimidation against the victim's family and witnesses
5. Demand serious changes to the police system and rules (Police Reform) to protect the rights of the community.
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