JAKARTA - The chairman of the Indonesian House of Representatives, Puan Maharani, highlighted that the flash floods, landslides, and ground movement occurred at a number of points in Sukabumi Regency, West Java. Puan asked the joint SAR Team to continue to make rescue efforts against residents who were still trapped in disaster locations.

"Immediately evacuate people who are still trapped in disaster locations. The government must prioritize the safety of residents," said Puan Maharani, Thursday, December 5.

Puan also expressed her deep condolences and concern over the disaster that occurred in Sukabumi. Where the landslide caused one resident of Sangrawayan, Simpenan District, who was still a child.

An elderly person in Gunung Baen Village, Karangjaya Village, Gegerbitung District, was also reportedly still buried by landslides. Flash floods due to the swift current of the Cikaso River, Sagaranten District are also known to have dragged a number of cars.

"We encourage the government and related agencies to take disaster emergency measures effectively," said the former Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture.

Puan emphasized that the evacuation process must be a top priority to ensure the safety of residents. Especially at a number of critical points, especially since the reported land movement phenomenon is very disturbing to residents.

"We urge the Government, both central and regional together with BPBD and other relevant agencies to prioritize rescue and evacuation of residents from areas that are severely affected and provide shelters that are feasible and safe," explained Puan.

The PDIP legislator for the Central Java electoral district also reminded the Government to ensure the supply of basic needs such as food, clean water, medicines, and blankets so that they can be immediately distributed to affected residents. Puan also asked the Government to pay attention to the needs of vulnerable citizens in refugee camps.

"In addition to logistical needs and medical needs, refugee camps must be friendly for children, the elderly, pregnant women, and breastfeeding mothers, as well as residents who have congenital diseases," he said.

Puan also asked the Government and BPBD to immediately collect data on the impact of the damage, and the implementation of assessments at affected locations. So that after the disaster emergency, rehabilitation of damaged houses and public facilities can be handled immediately.

To note, disasters at a number of locations in Sukabumi caused a number of road accesses to be cut off. There are even bridges that collapsed.

Post-disaster handling also needs to be done as soon as possible so that people do not feel the impact of disasters for too long. Immediately improve vital infrastructure such as electricity, water, and road access to restore people's lives," concluded Puan.

Based on BNPB information, floods recorded hit seven areas in Sukabumi, including Ciemas, Palabuhan Ratu, and Gegerbitung sub-districts. In addition, landslides occurred at 14 points with the largest impact in Simpenan, Palabuhan Ratu, and Warungkiara sub-districts.

Land movement was also reported in four locations, including Sukamaju Village, Cikembar District and Bantargadung Village in Bantargadung District. BNPB also received reports that 7 other villages in Sukabumi were affected by extreme weather.

As of Wednesday, December 4 afternoon, the joint SAR team together with volunteers continued to carry out various handlings, including rescuing residents trapped in floods and from landslide locations.

The local government together with the Sukabumi BPBD are also said to continue to record logistical needs and other urgent equipment to support the handling and recovery process.

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