JAKARTA - Minister of Law (Menkum) Supratman Andi Agtas encourages improving policy quality through a proof-based approach within the Ministry of Law (Kemenkum) to support government priority programs.

This reflects on the empirical condition, where there are still ministerial regulations that are not supported by adequate studies or analysis.

"All the policies issued, I ask that you go through the Legal Policy Strategy Agency (BSK) before I sign it," Supratman said in his remarks at the opening of the 2024 BSK Law Year-End Reflection in Jakarta, Tuesday, December 3, quoted from his official statement.

Supratman explained that so far a number of ministerial regulations issued were practical solutions to respond to a problem. As a result, there was an swelling of the number of ministerial regulations issued.

It was recorded that during 2019-2023 5,267 ministerial regulations had been issued, of which the Ministry of Law and Human Rights contributed 3.2 percent of the total.

"It is feared that this hyperregulation will lead to overlapping regulations with other ministries/agencies," said Supratman.

Furthermore, Supratman again emphasized the importance of the strategic role of BSK Law to overcome this hyper-regulation problem by ensuring the quality of policies within the Ministry of Law, starting from planning, preparation to policy evaluation.

The averageful public participation aspect, which often gets a sharp spotlight, also needs attention.

"Whether requested or not, BSK Law must provide policy recommendations to ministers, deputy ministers, and all work units within the Ministry of Law," he said.

The statement was welcomed by the Head of BSK Law Andry Indrady who stated that one of the mandatory tasks carried out by BSK Law, namely the assessment of the legal reform index (IRH), one of which is the harmonization of ministerial regulations with applicable laws and regulations.

"The results of this year's IRH assessment are expected to be an evaluation for ministries, especially in terms of harmonization of the ministerial regulations issued. Hopefully, in the future all ministries can get a minimum value of good and can reduce the number of overlapping regulations," said Andry.

To note, BSK Hukum is one of the main units under the auspices of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights. BSK Hukum has the task of organizing formulation, preparation, and recommendations for policy strategies in the field of law.

Meanwhile, the 2024 BSK Law Year-End Reflection was carried out as a momentum for evaluating the performance of the Legal BSK.

On that occasion, the best regional office (chanwil) performance achievement award was also given within the Ministry of Law and Human Rights, namely the Self-Completion Category for Legal Reform Index in the 2024 Region; Implementation Analysis Category and Policy Evaluation in the 2024 Region.

Then, the Monitoring and Evaluation Category for Improvement of Public Services Based on the Service Quality Perception Survey (SPKP) and Anti-Corruption Perception Survey (SPAK) in the 2024 Region; Policy Analysis Category with the Utilization of SIPKUMHAM in 2024; and the Policy Strategy Discussion Category in the 2024 Region.

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