JAKARTA - The East Jakarta District Court will hold a follow-up hearing involving Rizieq Shihab with the agenda of witness examination, today. The legal team has also prepared various things.

Rizieq Shihab's team of lawyers, Aziz Yanuar, said the main preparation for the trial was to draw up questions that would be presented to witnesses.

"We prepare questions that refer to the news pickle examination (BAP) witnesses," Aziz told VOI, Monday, April 12.

Later, said Aziz, the question that will be asked will dismantle the actual events. Because, it is believed Rizieq Shihab did not violate everything the public prosecutor (JPU) alleged.

"We will dismantle their lies and engineering," he said.

In addition to questions, physical and mental preparation is also carried out. Because, the trial agenda of witness examination will run quite long.

"Being ready for the examination of witnesses tomorrow will take quite a while, because there are many witnesses," he said.

As for the scheme of the trial, the panel of judges decided to change it. Trials that are usually broadcast online or live streaming are now not conducted.

East Jakarta District Court publicist Alex Adam Faisal said one of the reasons the trial was not broadcast online was because it had entered the witness examination stage.

"Because it has entered the stage of witness examination the trial process is no longer broadcast live streaming," said Alex.

Alex also explained that the decision of the panel of judges not to broadcast the trial online refers to the Criminal Procedure Law (KUHAP).

In Article 159 paragraph 1 kuhap, the panel of judges is obliged to prevent witnesses from connecting or communicating related to the trial. Because, it can change the testimony of the witnesses.

"We refer to KUHAP. In that rule the presiding judge of the court examines whether all witnesses have been present and gives orders to prevent witnesses from having contact with each other before giving testimony in the trial," alex said.

Moreover, online trials are not mandatory by the court. However, due to the situation during the COVID-19 pandemic and preventing transmission, the strongest reason for the previous trial was conducted online.

"Online is also no obligation from the court sir, it's just for service to the community," he said.

For information, the case that will be tried today is, the case of dugan crowd and violation of health protocol (prokes) in Petamburan and Megamendung with defendant Rizieq Shihab.

Then, the case of the crowd and prokes in Petamburan with the accused five former FPI officials, among others Haris Ubaidillah, Maman Suryadi, Ahmad Sobri Lubis, Idrus, and Muhammad Hanif Alatas.

Then, in the case of the crowd and prokes in Petamburan there were at least 10 witnesses presented. They were asked by Oka Setiawan cq M Afeno (Senior Manager of Aviation Security of Soekarno-Hatta Airport), Budi Cahyono, M Soleh, Syafrin Liputo (Kadishub DKI Jakarta), Rianto Sulistyo, Bayu Meghantara (former Mayor of Central Jakarta), Rusfian, Sabda Kurnianto (Acting Chief Executive of BPBD DKI), Ferixon, and Heru Novianto (former Chief of Police of Central Jakarta.

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