JAKARTA - Residents of Jalan MHT Gang Radio Dalam, North Gandaria, Kebayoran Baru were shocked by the discovery of the baby's body in a white bag wrapped in black cloth.

Head of Public Relations of Polda Metro Jaya, Kombes Ade Ary Syam Indradi said the incident occurred on Saturday, January 4, at 14.30 WIB.

"It is true that an unidentified baby (Mr.X) was found in a white bag wrapped in a black cloth," said Ade Ary when confirmed, Sunday, January 5.

The incident began when residents who passed the crime scene (TKP) saw a white bag. However, the bag emitted an unpleasant odor.

On that basis, witness D tried to open the contents of the bag. It turned out that it contained a baby who was found dead.

Then the witness opened it to pay attention to what was in it, because there was a foul smell. It turned out that there was a dead baby," he said.

Furthermore, residents reported it to the police. Then the baby was taken to the hospital for further action.

On the other hand, based on the PPSU officer's narrative, said Ade Ary, he saw that a parent threw away the bag which turned out to be containing the baby.

"There was a baby who was deliberately thrown away by his parents (the victim's mother)," he said.

Currently the case is being handled by the Kebayoran Baru Police. A number of witnesses have also been examined.

"The case is handled by the Kebayoran Baru Metro Police," he said.

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