The examination team formed by the Supreme Court (MA) examined the former Head of the Balitbang Diklat Hukum and Court MA Zarof Ricar (ZR), regarding the alleged involvement of the panel of cassation judges in the case of Gregorius Ronald Tannur, a convict in the murder case of Dini Sera Afriyanti.

"That's right, the inspection team formed by KMA is already working," said MA spokesman Yanto as quoted by ANTARA, Monday, November 4.

Yanto has not been able to detail the points examined from ZR.

But he confirmed that the examination was to clarify the alleged involvement of the cassation panel of judges in the Ronald Tannur case.

"The goal is ethics, yes, if the law (criminal) has been (processed by) the Prosecutor's Office. Of course, ethics. Because when the press release at the Prosecutor's Office was right," he said.

The results of the examination, he continued, will be submitted to the public after all the examinations are completed.

"Later, when everything is finished, then there will be a conclusion from the examination team. We'll let you know later," said Yanto.

Previously, the Head of the Legal Information Center (Kapuspenkum) of the Attorney General's Office, Harli Siregar, confirmed that ZR, a suspect in the alleged bribery case, Ronald Tannur, was questioned by the Supreme Court Team at the Attorney General's Office building, Jakarta, Monday.

ZR was named a suspect by the Attorney General's Office investigators on Friday (25/10). He is suspected of being a broker for Ronald Tannur's cassation decision in the murder case of Dini Sera Afriyanti.

Director of Investigation at Jampidsus AGO Abdul Qohar said ZR was asked by LR, lawyer Ronald Tannur who is also a suspect in this case, to smooth out Ronald Tannur's case at the cassation level.

LR then gave Rp5 billion to ZR which was based on records aimed at three Supreme Court judges with the initials S, A, and S. Meanwhile, ZR was promised a salary of Rp1 billion.

However, according to the AGO, ZR has not submitted bribes to the Supreme Court judge who handled Ronald Tannur's cassation.

"It turns out that the money is still in the envelope. It's still at ZR's house. Here there is an evil conspiracy to bribe the judge so that the case is free, but the money hasn't been there yet," said Qohar.

Responding to this condition, the leadership of the Supreme Court decided to form an inspection team on Monday (28/10).

The examination team chaired by the Chairman of the Supreme Court Supervision Room, Dwiarso Budi Santiarto, aims to clarify the panel of cassation judges, Ronald Tannur.

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