JAKARTA - The Minister of Environment (LH), Hanif Faisol Nurofiq, confirmed that he would look for sources of garbage supplied at illegal landfills (TPA) such as those in the Limo area, Depok, West Java as law enforcement measures.

"They must be responsible for the raw materials that are occupied here. I have asked the Director General of Law and Human Rights to trace them upstream," said LH Minister, Hanif Faisol Nurofiq when met after conducting a surprise inspection at the Limo illegal TPA, Depok, West Java, Antara, Monday, November 4.

He explained that the illegal TPA manager had been secured, because his actions had had a major impact on the environment and the surrounding community, including from the practice of open burning or open burning carried out there.

Dengan penangkapan pelaku yang mengelola TPA ilegal tersebut, Kementerian LH dapat melanjutkan dengan penyelidikan terhadap sumber dari sampah yang diolas di sana.

Hanif said that the waste managed by the Limo wild TPA came from a certain source or point source who should have been obliged to manage the waste, but instead handed the garbage over to the management suspect.

"I am sure that this garbage is not collected from the streets, but from the regions, so they must be held accountable," he explained.

Regarding the possibility of disposal of hazardous and toxic waste (B3) from the hospital that was burned at the illegal TPA, Hanif said that his party had asked the law enforcement department to conduct a special investigation.

This was done, because socialization activities had been carried out as a preventive measure, and the same practice continued, law enforcement would be carried out.

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