JAKARTA - In a few days, Muslims will enter the holy month of Ramadan. This year is the second time the world's Muslims fasted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Of course, it is a question of whether it is permissible to worship in congregation considering the spread of COVID-19 has not subsided.

The launch of the vaccination program turned out to be a way for the central government to loosen the permits for the implementation of tarawih prayers and Eid prayers in mosques or prayers.

However, this issue still reaps the pros and cons because the risk of transmission of new cases is still a scourge. There are differences between the government, islamic organizations and also the council.

Some allow the worship of the congregation by complying with strict keshwatan protocol, some recommend the implementation of tarawih conducted at home only.

So, what are the rules of performing tarawih prayers in congregation this year?

The government through the Ministry of Religious Affairs has issued a Circular Letter allowing the implementation of tarawih prayers and Eid al-Fitr 1442 Hijri prayers in congregation during the COVID-19 pandemic while implementing strict health protocols.

Although allowed, in Circular Letter No. 3 of 2021 published on Monday, April 5, the implementation of tarawih and Eid prayer is limited to only 50 percent of the total capacity of the place used.

"Salat Idulfitri 1 Syawal 1442 H/2021 M can be performed in mosques or in the open field by paying close attention to health protocols, unless the development of COVID-19 increases based on the announcement of the Task Force for the Acceleration of Handling of COVID-19 for all regions of the country or local governments in their respective regions," reads the circular signed by Minister of Religious Affairs Yaqut Cholil Qoumas.

Nevertheless, the government through the Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture (Menko PMK) Muhadjir Effendy provides three provisions that must be adhered to by the community.

First, the implementation of tarawih prayer must be kept by carrying out strict health protocols.

Second, tarawih prayers can be performed outside the house, but with participants or congregations that are limited only to the community or within the community.

Thus, pilgrims from outside the community are asked not to be allowed to follow tarawih in that community.

Third, the government requested that in performing tarawih prayers this congregation is attempted to be made as simple as possible.

Meanwhile, the Provincial Government through the Deputy Governor of DKI Jakarta, Ahmad Riza Patria, stated that it allows the citizens of the capital to perform tarawih prayers in mosques or prayers.

Although allowing residents to pray tarawih in the mosque, Riza asked that residents pay attention to the existing capacity so that the rules of keeping distance in the house of worship can be carried out properly.

In addition, Riza reminded citizens to continue to apply strict health protocol rules because the COVID-19 pandemic has not been declared over.

Vice Chairman of the House of Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia Azis Syamsuddin asked the government in this case, the Ministry of Religious Affairs to socialize the standards and procedures for the implementation of tarawih prayers in congregation by implementing strict health protocols (prokes).

"We encourage the Ministry, Task Force (Task Force) handling COVID-19, and local governments together with the security forces to conduct periodic monitoring and evaluation during the implementation of tarawih prayers in congregation," Azis said in a statement received Wednesday, April 7.

According to Azis, The Ministry of Finance, COVID-19 Handling Task Force, and local governments need to increase the appeal to the community, especially the congregation, in order to remain in compliance with the prokes and comply with all the recommendations given to prevent new clusters from spreading COVID-19.

"No less important, the mosque prosperity council (DKM) to provide facilities and regulate the distance of citizens at the time of the implementation of tarawih congregation and Eid prayer," explained the politician Golkar.

Azis also encouraged the Local Government and COVID-19 Task Force to stop the implementation of tarawih prayers in congregation if new cases are found in the implementation in Ramadan.

The Nahdlatul Ulama (PBNU) Executive Board issued a verbal appeal regarding the implementation of Ramadan worship in the midst of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. Tarawih can be done in the mosque in congregation but must comply with health protocols.

"Tarawih prayers are performed like the COVID-19 protocol. It's Friday. Just like that. Anyway, if you want to pray tarawih in the mosque it must be with the protocol of COVID-19," said Chairman of PBNU Marsudi Suhud.

Marsudi said that the encouragement of the implementation of activities during Ramadan still refers to the exhortation issued by PBNU in Ramadan 2020.

Although tarawih can be done in mosques by complying with health protocols, PBNU still recommends tarawih prayers be performed at home.

Meanwhile, the Central Leadership of Muhammadiyah strongly encourages Muslims to perform prayers during Ramadan in their respective residences. In particular, those living in areas where there are cases of COVID-19 transmission.

It is stated in the Circular Letter on the Guidance of Ramadan Worship 1442H/2021 AD.

"It is still done in each house in order to avoid the transmission of coronavirus," said one of the excerpts of the circular, which was quoted Tuesday, April 6.

As for Muslims in the area, there is no transmission of COVID-19, it is permissible to perform prayers in mosques.

Nevertheless, the application of health protocols such as keeping a distance, the use of masks and washing hands should still be carried out.

Muhammadiyah allows Muslims to keep their distance in saf prayer during the COVID-19 pandemic with the aim of preventing harm from transmission.

Wearing a mask during prayer is also allowed to prevent the transmission of COVID-19. In addition, the congregation of prayer is also limited only to the community around the mosque, musala or violated with restrictions on the number of congregations up to 30 percent of the capacity of the place or according to the direction of the authorities.

Children, the elderly, sick people and people with comorbid diseases are not recommended to participate in congregational activities in the mosque.

Pilgrims who want to pray in congregation are also encouraged to bring their own prayer equipment.

Epidemiologist from the University of Indonesia Tri Yunis Miko Wahyono assessed that the government should ensure that every mosque and prayer room that performs a series of worships during Ramadan has an internal task force handling COVID-19.

"The COVID-19 task force of houses of worship must be established. Those who will have the responsibility of supervising health protocols during the implementation of worship during Ramadan," said Tri Tuesday, April 6, 2021.

Tri Yunis predicts that this year's Ramadan tarawih prayer will be more crowded. Because the government last year banned the implementation of tarawih in mosques and musala in anticipation of the transmission of COVID-19.

"This year has been allowed even though the advice is only the local community but still have to be ensured the protocol remains implemented," he said.

According to Tri, one of the things that must be ensured is the restriction of worshipers maximum 50 percent capacity. In addition, the 3M protocol of using masks, keeping distance and washing hands with soap must also be applied during the implementation of worship.

"So the government should be able to anticipate and take the right policies. What I'm now seeing is a pull-out policy. When the new ride is tightened, and the descent is slightly loosened again so that the handling of the COVID-19 outbreak is not completed," he said.

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