JAKARTA - Aceh Regional Police (Polda) foiled the smuggling of methamphetamine-type drugs weighing up to 50 kilograms and arrested four perpetrators in a number of places in East Aceh District.

Aceh Police Chief Irjen Wahyu Widada said that the disclosure of tens of kilograms of methamphetamine was a collaboration between aceh police with Bareskrim Polri, East Aceh Police, and Customs.

"The disclosure of drug smuggling is our commitment to eradicate the circulation of illicit goods in Aceh. This is the disclosure for the first time in Aceh," said Irjen Wahyu Widada reported by Antara, Wednesday, April 7.

The police chief said the four perpetrators of drug smuggling, namely ZK as a road monitor, were arrested in Bagok, Nurussalam, East Aceh Regency.

Later, KR actors acted as monitoring the situation on the ground, arrested in Idi Tunong, East Aceh. As well as the perpetrators of ZK as tekong motor boat and ZR as road monitors, both were arrested in Idi Rayeuk, East Aceh.

"The drug smuggling is suspected they are doing through the waters of East Aceh. There are two sacks containing 50 packs containing methamphetamine equivalent to 50 kilograms," said Irjen Pol Wahyu Widada.

In addition to securing tens of kilograms of methamphetamine, police also confiscated a motorboat unit weighing 30 gross tons (GT). The motorboat was allegedly used to smuggle methamphetamine into East Aceh.

The police chief said the disclosure of the smuggling of illicit goods stemmed from information about an international network of drug offenders by sea.

"From the information, the joint personnel of The Police Bareskrim Drug Directorate, Aceh Police Department, East Aceh Police, and Customs, investigated," said Irjen Pol Wahyu Widada.

Based on the results of the investigation, the joint team pursued a motor boat suspected of carrying drugs in the waters of East Aceh. From the chase, the joint team arrested four perpetrators and secured two sacks with dozens of packages containing methamphetamine.

Now, the perpetrators are secured in Aceh Police for further investigation. The perpetrators are ensnared by Article 114 Paragraph (2), Article 112 Paragraph (2) Subs Article 115 Paragraph (2) jo Article 132 Paragraph (1) Law Number 35 Year 2009 on narcotics.

"The threat of a sentence of at least five years to 20 years in prison as well as the heaviest death penalty. We also continue to try to uncover the network of these perpetrators," said Irjen Wahyu Widada.

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