JAKARTA - Acting Governor of North Kalimantan, Togap Simangunsong was officially appointed as General Chair (Ketum) of the Raja Simangunsong Anak Dohot Boruna (PPRSAB) Islamic Boarding School throughout Indonesia for the period 2024-2029 after going through the National Conference (Munas) which was held in Balige, Toba Regency, last weekend.

The National Conference activity is one of a series of birthday parties held by the descendants of King Simangunsong every 5 years.

This year, a series of birthday parties will be held for 2 days starting from 26-27 October 2024 at Lumbun Bul-Bul Balige which begins with a pilgrimage to the graves of King Simangunsong and Nagabaling, followed by National Conference, Panortoron, service services, to the handover procession for the management to the PPRSAB management for the period 2024-2029.

Togap received the mandate as Chairman of PPRSAB throughout Indonesia after going through the National Conference process which was attended by representatives of the PPRSAB DPW administrators from their respective regions.

In addition to aiming to choose a new board, a birthday party called Batak called the Partangigangan Party aims to be a form of gratitude to God Almighty for the blessings that have been received and pray so that more blessings are added to all of the Simangungsong Raja Pumps wherever they are.

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