JAKARTA - The Supreme Court (MA) has disclosed the sanctions that will be given to the panel of cassation judges of defendant Gregorius Ronald Tannur if he is proven to have committed a violation. One of them is 'non-hammer'.

"If there are usually non-hammers for ethical sanctions, it's not allowed and so on," said the spokesman for the Supreme Court, Yanto, to reporters, Monday, October 28.

Meanwhile, for criminal sanctions, Yanto emphasized that this was handed over to the Attorney General's Office (AGO) as the authority holder in the process of investigating alleged bribery and gratuities.

The Supreme Court was confirmed not to interfere in the matter of the legal process related to the judge involved in the case.

"But if there is a criminal sanction, if there is a crime, it is already in the Prosecutor's Office. We will not interfere. We will not interfere in the legal process," said Yanto.

In an effort to find facts of alleged ethical violations against the panel of cassation judges, the Supreme Court has formed a team of examiners.

The formation of the examination team is the result of an agreement from the Supreme Court leadership meeting which was held today.

The examination team will be chaired by Supreme Court Justice Dwiarso Budi Santiarto with Jupriyadi and Nor Ediyono who are the Secretary of the Supreme Court Supervisory Agency.

"The leadership of the Supreme Court collectively collegial has decided to form a team of examiners tasked with clarifying the panel of cassation judges in the case of Gregorius Ronald Tannur," said Yanto.

The formation of the examination team is also a follow-up to the statement of the suspect Zarof Ricar who has contacted one of the judges at the cassation panel.

Zarof Ricar is a former Supreme Court official. In this case, his role was in consensus to bribe the Supreme Court judge in the amount of Rp. 5 billion.

"According to the Attorney General's Office, (Zarof Ricar) has contacted one of the panel of judges with the initials S. Therefore, of course we will follow up," said Yanto.

However, it was not clearly stated whether the entire cassation panel would be clarified or only the Supreme Court judge with the initials S.

It is known, there are three Supreme Court justices who are the cassation panel of the defendant Ronald Tannur.

"Yes, the statement at the Attorney General's Office is of course the panel that handles Ronald Tannur's cassation that we will examine," said Yanto.

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