JAKARTA The number of fires that claimed lives in Tambora District, West Jakarta is in the spotlight. Various efforts were made by officers to anticipate the fires that occurred in the area. Including coming to residents' homes to attach stickers about the danger of fire.

The Tambora Police together with the TNI, and the local government, have promoted the spread of hotline stickers containing emergency contact information from various agencies to detect fires as early as possible.

Tambora Police Chief Kompol Donny Agung Harvida said that the spread of this sticker is so that it is easier for people to contact related parties in emergency situations or when there is a potential danger.

"The installation of hotline stickers aims to make it easier for residents to access important information related to complaint services," he said when confirmed, Monday, October 28.

When there is a threat of fire or disturbance of kamtibmas, residents can immediately report to the numbers listed without having to be confused about finding contacts.

The sticker installation was carried out in a number of areas that were considered to be the red zone of fire. Such as on Jalan Tiang Flag, Roa Malaka Village and Jalan Bandengan Utara IV, Pekojan Village. Then on Jalan Angke Indah, Angke Village and Gang Betet Raya area, Tambora.

The stickers attached emergency contacts from the Tambora Police, Bhabinkamtibmas, fire fighting call centers, Babinsa, village heads, to the Firefighters Task Force.

With this information, residents can get a quick response from the authorities, so that the threat of fire or disturbance of security and order can be addressed immediately before developing into a bigger problem.

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