SOUTH KALIMANTAN - South Kalimantan Regional Police (Polda) dismantled Fredy Pratama's international narcotics network which smuggled 70.76 kilograms of crystal methamphetamine into Banjarmasin.

"In addition to methamphetamine, 9,560 ecstasy pills were also confiscated from this network," said South Kalimantan Police Chief Inspector General Winarto when releasing the disclosure of the case at the South Kalimantan Police Headquarters, Banjarbaru, Wednesday, October 23, as reported by Antara.

There were six people who were arrested carrying narcotics in this jumbo number. They got drug supplies from Pontianak, West Kalimantan, for the purpose of circulating in South Kalimantan.

The Kapolda explained that this disclosure began with public information if there were plans to smuggle large amounts of narcotics into Banjarmasin.

The Director of the Narcotics Investigation of the South Kalimantan Police, Police Commissioner Kelana Jaya, immediately ordered a team led by the Head of Sub-Directorate 3 of the Narcotics Directorate of the South Kalimantan Police AKBP Ade Harri Sistiawan to conduct an in-depth investigation.

The results of network mapping and incoming information turned out that this time the gang was affiliated with Fredy Pratama alias Miming, a drug kingpin who is still Interpol's hunt for the attention of the Criminal Investigation Police.

The first suspect arrested with the initials MAZ on Thursday (26/9) at the Familia Hotel, Banjarmasin, with evidence of 21 packages of methamphetamine weighing 9,280 grams.

Then the Opsnal Sub-Directorate 3 Team carried out the development by arresting the controller with the initials MMU on Thursday, October 3 at Jalan Cengkeh Raya, Ar-Rahman Complex, Sungai Jingah Village, Banjarmasin.

From MMU's hands, two pipettes made of glass were found and in them there were still 0.02 grams of crystal methamphetamine and one bong (shabu suction device) made of bottles of complete drink with straws.

The suspect MSU is known to have served as the operator of Fredy Pratama for the Jakarta, Surabaya, and Bali areas.

From MMU's confession, he has ordered the departure of one car and two photos of people leaving to take methamphetamine to the West Kalimantan region.

The police first arrested MMA as a bunker maker in the car to carry the methamphetamine.

After that, AKBP Ade's leadership team pursued the characteristics of the white Mitsubishi Triton car which had been carried out surveillance and followed to Banjarmasin.

On Tuesday (8/10), the suspected car carrying methamphetamine was stopped on Jalan Brigadier General Hasan Basri, Banjarmasin City, to be precise in front of the Pondok Metro Complex.

The results of the search of the car, in the back seat bunker found evidence of 50 large packages of crystal methamphetamine bearing the Chinese tea logo with the words Guanyinwang with a net weight of 51,324 grams, two large silver packages containing 4,552 ecstasy pills with the blue "Rolls Rocye" logo weighing 1,749.13 grams, and 5,008 ecstasy pills with the pink "Hung Bird" logo weighing 2,182.53 grams.

There are also two packages of blue ecstasy debris weighing 68.38 grams.

The suspect who was carrying a car containing narcotics with the initials AW, residents of Gunung Sindur, Bogor Regency, and JIB, residents of Talaga II Hamlet, Toli Toli Regency, Central Sulawesi.

Furthermore, Sub-Directorate 3 of the Narcotics Directorate of the South Kalimantan Police again made a disclosure on Thursday (10/10) by arresting the suspect STV, a resident of Kubu Raya Regency, West Kalimantan, on Jalan Pangeran Hidayatullah, Banua Anyar Village, Banjarmasin City.

STV acted as a drug warehouse guard and when the police raided found 10 large packages of methamphetamine weighing 10,308 grams.

From the entire series of disclosures of this case, the South Kalimantan Police's Narcotics Directorate confiscated evidence of approximately 70.76 kilograms of crystal methamphetamine and 9,560 ecstasy pills.

The Regional Police Chief stated that this disclosure was appreciated by Director IV of the Criminal Investigation Division of the National Police, who immediately ordered further development efforts in the hope that they could uncover the catch and even greater evidence.

"Kalsel seems to be the target market of an international narcotics network that smuggles methamphetamine and ecstasy from Malaysia through West Kalimantan," said the Kapolda.

The success of this disclosure, added the Kapolda, has also saved around 363,561 people from taking drugs and saving state and public budgets for the cost of rehabilitation of addicts reaching Rp1.8 trillion.

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