JAKARTA - The Saiful Mujani Research Center (SMRC) Survey Institute conducted a public sentiment poll against community organizations (ormas) that have been banned and disbanded, particularly the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) and Hizbut Tahrir Indonesia (HTI).

The SMRC Program Manager Saidiman Ahmad stated that more people would agree if FPI and HTI were to be dissolved.

In its survey, the SMRC asked whether the respondent had heard of or knew of an organization called FPI. As a result, 71 percent said they knew and 29 percent said they didn't know.

Of the 71 percent who know, 77 percent know that FPI has been disbanded and 23 percent admit that they do not know FPI is a banned organization.

"This means that, nationally, there are 55 percent of Indonesians who know that FPI has been disbanded and its activities are prohibited," Saidiman said in a virtual survey presentation, Tuesday, April 6.

Then, of those who know FPI has been banned, 59 percent agree that FPI is disbanded. Meanwhile, 35 percent disagreed.

"As for the national population, there are 32 percent of Indonesians who agree with the disbandment of FPI and 19 percent of the national population who disagree," he said.

Second, about HTI. The SMRC asked whether the respondent had heard of or knew about an organization called HTI. As a result, 32 percent said they knew and 68 percent said they didn't know.

Of the 32 percent who knew, 76 percent knew HTI had been dissolved and 24 percent said they did not know HTI was a banned organization.

Then, of those who know HTI has been banned, as many as 79 percent agree that FPI is dissolved. Meanwhile, 23 percent disagreed.

"If you look at the entire population, it means that 19 percent of Indonesians agree with the ban on HTI, while those who disagree are 3 percent," he said.

This survey was conducted in the period 28 February to 8 March 2021 with respondents who were Indonesian citizens who were 17 years old or over, or had already married when the survey was conducted.

The survey was conducted through face-to-face interviews with 1,220 randomly selected respondents. There is also an estimated margin of error of this survey at around 3.07 percent and a survey confidence level of 95 percent.

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