The joint SAR team found seven people who were previously reported missing because they got lost while climbing Mount Godog in Garut in a safe condition.

"Finally, last night the victim was found in the Curug Kebul Lembah Godog, Karangpawitan District, Garut," said Head of the Karangpawitan Police, Kompol M. Duhri in Garut, West Java (West Java), Tuesday, October 22, confiscated by Antara.

He said that the seven people from Karangpawitan District initially climbed to Mount Godog or known as Curug Kebul on Sunday, October 20 morning, but until Monday, October 21, they did not return home.

The joint SAR team, he continued, then searched by walking through the mountain area, until finally finding three people and then evacuating, and four more people in different places were also successfully evacuated.

Joint officers who conducted the search, he said, managed to evacuate everyone outside the forest area safely and were immediately taken to the puskesmas on Tuesday, October 22 in the morning.

"Three people were found, and then four people were found again in separate places," said Duhri.

He said the seven people were identified as Yaya (59), Apit (57), Aep Saepudin (64), Doyeh (45), Andri (33), Dedi Rohaendi (53), and Yadi Mulyadi (52) residents of Karangpawitan District.

All victims, he said, after being successfully evacuated immediately received medical treatment at the Karangpawitan Health Center to ensure their health condition, because when they were evacuated they were weak.

"Currently, six people have been able to return home, and another person is still undergoing treatment at the Karangpawitan Health Center," he said.

Previously, the victim's family reported to the village and police regarding the disappearance of their family members who were climbing on Mount Godog.

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