JAKARTA - Head of the National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB) Doni Monardo said health facilities in areas affected by the flood disaster in East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) were available. However, there is another problem faced, namely the lack of doctors.

"Health facilities are available in almost all places, although doctors are still limited", Doni Monardo said in an online press conference broadcast on the Presidential Secretariat YouTube channel, Tuesday, April 6.

To solve this problem, the Ministry of Health through the Health Crisis Center has coordinated and brought in doctors from a number of provinces. "Including from South Sulawesi and East Java", he said.

Meanwhile, for medicines, Doni said their availability was still fulfilled. It's just that, at this time, these health facilities need tools to treat fractured patients and this is being worked on.

"This is still in coordination to immediately be sent from Jakarta, Surabaya, and Makassar", he explained.

As previously reported, the BNPB reported that 128 people died as a result of natural disasters in the form of floods and landslides in a number of areas in East Nusa Tenggara.

"A total of 128 people died during extreme weather in these areas, with details of 67 people from Lembata Regency, East Flores 49, and Alor 12", said Head of the BNPB Disaster Information and Communication Data Center Raditya Jati in a written statement, Tuesday, April 6.

The BNPB said that extreme weather due to the impact of the Seroja tropical cyclone would still potentially occur in the NTT region in the next few days.

Raditya said the floods and landslides that occurred in NTT on Sunday, at around 01.00 a.m. local time, also caused around 8.000 residents to be evacuated.

Based on data from the BNPB Operations Control Center (Pusdalops) as of Monday, April 5, at 23.00 p.m. local time, as many as 2.019 household heads (KK) or 8.424 residents were evacuating, and 1.083 families or 2.683 other residents were affected.

"The local government continues to update data from rapid assessments in the field. Residents who have been evacuated are scattered in five districts in the NTT Province", he said.

According to the BNPB data, the largest displacement identified was in East Sumba Regency with a total of 7.212 people or 1.803 families, Lembata 958 people, Rote Ndao 672 people or 153 families, West Sumba 284 people or 63 families, and East Flores 256 people.

In addition, this tropical cyclone also affects 8 administrative regions of districts and cities. The 8 regions are Kupang City, East Flores Regency, Malacca, Lembata, Ngada, West Sumba, East Sumba, Rote Ndao and Alor.

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