JAKARTA - A number of regions have implemented a curfew to prevent the spread of the corona virus or COVID-19, including Aceh and Banyumas.

The curfew in the Banyumas area came into effect Monday, March 30. Later, members of the TNI and Polri will disperse the crowds outside the house when it is over 22.00 WIB. The reasons for implementing the curfew are based on situations and conditions that prohibit people from gathering.

Meanwhile, the implementation of a curfew in the city of Aceh starts at 20.30 WIB. Later, if it has passed this time, several access roads to the city will be immediately closed. A number of roads were closed when it was past curfew, namely Sp Nurjanah (from Banda Aceh to Sigli City), Kocin Roundabout Intersection (from Pom Office towards the city), and the roundabout in front of the pavilion (from the Rainbow Beach towards the city), as well as line two. in front of SMA 1 Sigli or Tijue (from Medan to Sigli City).

Trubus Rahadiansyah's public policy analysis says this is a good step. It's just that, it is considered less effective because the current condition of the community has begun to understand the dangers of COVID-19. According to him, it is better to prohibit going out of the house during the day, not at night. This is because more community activities occur during the day.

"It's not effective, this person is in a scared situation. His awareness is high. I think it's not effective," Trubus told VOI, Wednesday, April 1.

He said, rather than implementing a curfew, local governments are better off disseminating, communicating and educating the public in preventing the spread of COVID-19.

According to Trubus, the implementation of a curfew actually decreases the officer's immune system. That way, officers are vulnerable to being exposed to this virus.

"It is better to use socialization, communication, and education methods. Restrictions on the movement of the community have been suggested since the beginning of the emergence of COVID-19. So we recommend using other methods," said Trubus.

Meanwhile, public policy observer Agus Pambagio said that the implementation of the curfew was considered ineffective because there was no clear basis for punishment for violators. So, later the public will think that the implementation of curfew is just procedural which is not important.

"It is less effective because there is no punishment that creates a deterrent effect," said Agus.

However, Agus understands, this policy was taken because the local government must be responsible for public health during the COVID-19 pandemic.

"I understand that they are carrying out security due to concerns in the regions, because the central government's policies are also unclear and fluctuating," said Agus.

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