The Toraja District Attorney (Kejari) has detained the Tana Toraja Regency Public Housing and Settlement Area (PRKP) official with the initials BBM.

The suspect BBM is suspected of being involved in corruption in the misuse of state finances in the development of clean water network (DAK) facilities in the expansion of the drinking water supply system (SPAM) of the piping network in Lembang Batualu Selatan, Sanggalla District, Tana Toraja, Southeast Sulawesi (Sultra)

The value of the project contract for the 2022 fiscal year is more than IDR 1.29 billion.

"We have taken detention measures against the suspect BBM to speed up the completion of the investigation and it is feared that the suspect will make efforts to escape, destroy or eliminate evidence," said Attorney General Tana Toraja Alfian Bombing, Friday, October 18, confiscated by Antara.

Fuel was detained at the Makale Class IIB Detention Center for 20 days since being named a suspect on October 17, 2024. Detention after a series of examinations and exposure results found two pieces of evidence.

In this case, the suspect BBM acted as ASN PPK Planning at the event in 2022 as Head of the Drinking Water Section of the Tana Toraja PRKP Service. Now he serves as Head of the Settlement Infrastructure and Utilities Division of the Tana Toraja PRKP Service.

"The results of the calculation of state losses for the expansion of the SPAM of the piping network at the PUPR Office of Tana Toraja Regency and other relevant agencies in 2022, it was found that there was a state loss in the form of total financial losses of more than Rp1.19 billion after deducting taxes," said Alfian.

The suspect's modus operandi began at that time as PPK appointed a planning consultant to make a DED DAK Drinking Water Consultant Service document for the 2022 fiscal year as material for the submission of the Special Allocation Fund (DAK) budget.

As PPK, the PRKP Service then used CV Tamboro Langi as if he was the executor of consultant services to disburse the budget and pay it to third parties. In fact, this company has never made planning documents, and the suspect used this third party to make planning documents.

For his actions, planning activities are not in accordance with applicable laws and regulations and are not detailed because the report does not describe in detail the location of the connection (tapping) and also the locations of the SR to be installed.

The suspect reasoned that the planning was only made for the completeness of the DAK budget proposal to the center. In addition, the implementation of the planning was not accompanied by prior checks on the condition of the 2017 Public-Based Water Supply and Community-Based Sanitation Program (Pamsimas), but only based on Global Positioning System (GPS) data.

In addition, the report does not specify and describe the existence of an existing SPAM network repair item. Do not calculate the number of SR required. The determination of the number of SR as many as 286 units is only based on the proposal. There is a difference in the location of the third reservoir tub.

In the Draft Budget (RAB) in the planning report, it is stated that the location of the second reservoir is in Tanete, while based on the map submitted, the location of the second reservoir is in Burau.

This resulted in the DED DAK of Drinking Water not being used in the implementation of work, and violating the provisions of article 1 paragraph 4, article 7 paragraph 1, Perpres number 16 of 2018 as amended lastly by Presidential Decree number 12 of 2021 concerning the Procurement of Government Goods/Services.

The suspect's actions violated the provisions as stipulated in the primer and subsidiary article 2 paragraph (1) and article 3 jo, article 18 of Law number 31 of 1999 concerning Amendments to Law number 20 of 2001 concerning Eradication of Criminal Acts of Corruption, in conjunction with Article 55 paragraph (1) 1st of the Criminal Code.

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