YOGYAKARTA - When asking for someone's account number for transfer, often the person only shows a number without mentioning a bank name. This of course makes us confused and wonder what the norek is from the bank. How to find out a bank from an account number can be done in several ways.

Each bank issues an account number that has a difference from other bank account numbers. The difference in account numbers between banks can be seen from the number of number digits and the bank code number.

Without knowing what bank the account number is, the transaction process between banks can take a long time. Therefore, you need to understand several ways to find out the bank from the account number to facilitate the transaction process.

One way to find out a bank from an account number is to see the number of digits in the account number. Bank Indonesia, as a central bank, sets a different number of digits for each bank as an identification method.

The following is a list of the number of account numbers in each bank in Indonesia:

Each bank in Indonesia has a different code number. When making transactions to different banks, the name of the destination bank will be shown by inputting the bank code.

The following is a list of bank codes for every bank in Indonesia:

That's how to find out a bank from an account number that you need to remember. You can check the number of digits or bank code numbers to find out the purpose of the bank to make transactions. Also read how to move the balance to someone else's account.

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