JAKARTA - Witness to the alleged tin corruption case, Erfan Putra Anugrah, revealed that the defendant Harvey Moeis had bought a luxury car with the Porsche 911 Speedster Caprio worth Rp13.18 billion at his place of work.

Erfan, Sales Manager of PT Euroauto Trans Pratama Surabaya in 2020, said that the luxury car was bought by Harvey in 2020 and is a limited edition in Indonesia.

"In the world, 1,948 cars are produced. If those who enter Indonesia, as far as I know, I have less than five cars," Erfan said during a witness examination hearing at the Jakarta Corruption Court (Tipikor) reported by ANTARA, Thursday, October 17.

Although he has never met in person, he admits that he knows that Harvey bought Porsche from management.

Erfan explained that Harvey bought the luxury car with payments via transfer in stages five times until it was paid off.

In detail, Harvey made payments on May 12, 2020 amounting to Rp2 billion, June 17, 2020 amounting to Rp2 billion, August 4, 2020 amounting to Rp2 billion, September 2, 2020 amounting to Rp3.63 billion, and on September 2, 2020 amounting to Rp3.54 billion.

"These all include import duties and value added tax (VAT) for vehicle registration certificates (STNK)," said Erfan.

Furthermore, the car was sent in a mobile truck (towing) from Surabaya to Harvey's house at The Pakubuwono House Jakarta.

According to Erfan, until now the STNK and motor vehicle ownership book (BPKB) of the car have not been processed because there is a possibility that the Porsche car is only used as a collection by Harvey.

Erfan testified in the case of alleged corruption in the management of tin commodity trading in the PT Timah IUP region in 2015 '2022.

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