JAKARTA - The District Attorney (Kejari) Mukomuko ensured that the investigation into the alleged corruption case of the construction of the Mukomuko Religious Court (PA) building due to a contract break would continue.

"All processes and investigations at the Mukomuko District Attorney's Office are still ongoing, and we ask for prayers that they will be given smoothness in carrying out this task," said Head of the Special Crimes Section of the Mukomuko Kejari, Agrin Nico Reval in Mukomuko, Bengkulu Province, Wednesday, October 17, as reported by Antara.

He said this was related to the progress and progress of handling the investigation of the alleged corruption case in the construction of the Mukomuko District Religious Court (PA) building.

In investigating the alleged corruption case in the construction of the building which was stalled due to the termination of this contract, he said, the Mukomuko District Attorney had summoned several related witnesses.

"There have been several people who have been summoned as witnesses in this case, including the summoning of other witnesses, the exact number has not been determined," he said.

Then, he said, another investigation process in this case was to conduct an audit or calculate state losses related to the alleged corruption case in the construction of the Mukomuko Religious Court building.

He said his party involved the Bengkulu High Prosecutor's Auditor Team (Kejati) to conduct an audit or calculate state losses related to the alleged corruption case in the construction of the Mukomuko Religious Court building.

Previously, investigators from the Mukomuko Kejari together with a team of experts from one of the universities had calculated the volume of the PA building.

In addition, the Kejari has also summoned a number of witnesses, including three people from the working group (pokja) for the construction of the Mukomuko Religious Court building, as well as two Religious Court employees who act as commitment-making officials (PPK) and project treasurer.

In addition, the Mukomuko Kejari has also summoned the power of budget user (KPA) and partners involved in the construction project of the court building, which has a budget ceiling of Rp. 20 billion.

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