JAKARTA - The Gegana Team of the Mobile Brigade Unit of the Central Sulawesi Police (Sulteng) together with the Poso Police Inafis Unit secured a number of objects suspected of being homemade bombs and immediately processed the scene for further identification.

"The discovery of the homemade bomb shows the importance of synergy between the TNI/Polri and the community in maintaining security," said Head of Madago Raya Police Commissioner Boy F S Samola as reported by ANTARA, Wednesday, October 16.

The object suspected of being a homemade bomb was found in Tolana Hamlet, Toini Village, Poso Pesisir District on Tuesday (15/10) by a resident who cleaned the garden.

"From witness testimony, he used a machete to clean the garden with hard objects wrapped in plastic buckets, after being examined there were five iron pipe-shaped objects with axes at the top, suspected to be rice cake bombs," he said.

Based on the report, Babinsa Desa Toini, coastal Poso District and Poso Pesisir Police immediately took quick steps to secure the location of the discovery of objects suspected of being homemade bombs.

His party continues to improve patrols and coordination with all stakeholders in order to create a safe, peaceful and conducive situation in Poso Regency.

"This finding is a warning to all parties that we must increase vigilance and strengthen the security system," said Boy.

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