JAKARTA - Jayapura City Police Investigators conducted an investigation into the crime scene (TKP) related to the explosion at the Jubi mass media editor's office in Wamena, Jayapura City, Papua.

The Molotov bomb explosion occurred in the parking lot of the jubi editorial office on Wednesday, October 16 at around 03.00 WIT. This incident caused two cars parked to be damaged.

"Investigators are still conducting investigations and will ask for information from eyewitnesses to reveal it, including the explosion that damaged two vehicles," said Deputy Chief of Jayapura City Police AKBP Denny Hendriana in Jayapura, confiscated by Antara.

Separately, Jubi Editor-in-Chief Jean Banyu said the explosion was known to two of his staff who were on duty inside the office at the time of the incident.

After hearing the sound of the explosion, the two put out the fire assisted by local residents.

"The two vehicles damaged by the explosion were Jubi's operational vehicles," said Jean.

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