The problem of the raw water crisis in Gili Trawangan, Gili Meno, and Gili Air (Tlomina), which are located in North Lombok Regency, West Nusa Tenggara (NTB), has an impact on the tourism sector and needs immediate treatment.

Provincial Secretary (Sekdarov) of NTB Lalu Gita Ariadi said the provincial government had discussed the situation intensively with the North Lombok Regency Government (Pemkab).

"Various suggestions, inputs have been submitted. The Regent of North Lombok stated that he is ready to solve the problem of the water crisis in three gili," he said in Mataram as reported by ANTARA, Tuesday, October 15.

On September 24, Minister of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Sakti Wahyu Trenggono revoked the permit for the location of the waters of PT Tirta Cipta Nirwana because the company's raw water production activities were proven to dispose of waste into the sea.

Based on the investigation by the Kupang National Water Conservation Area Center (BKKPN), the waste dumped into the sea pollutes and damages coral reefs in Gili Trawangan. The pollution of the sea causes the abundance of coral fish to decrease by 75 percent.

PT Tirta Cipta Nirwana carried out the drilling process using the directed drilling method or horizontal direct drilling using chemicals, including bentonic and fixed.

Coral reefs that are all in the category are quite good at the location of the drilling waste burst. The coral reef ecosystem was damaged and caused corals to die within a radius of more than 100 meters from the location of the waste burst center.

The permit revoked by the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (KKP) has caused PT Tirta Cipta Nirvana to no longer operate, which makes the three gili water difficulties, except for Gili Air, because it gets water supplies from the mainland of North Lombok which are channeled through underwater pipes.

The raw water crisis that occurred in Gili Tramena caused hotels and restaurants to bring water from ships at a price of Rp. 4.5 million for each water tank with a capacity of 5,000 liters.

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