JAKARTA - Indonesia Corruption Watch (ICW) revealed a trend of corruption charges in 2023. Most cases handled by law enforcement are related to state losses.

"It turns out that what dominates corrupt practices in 2023 is actually also a routine finding every year, namely corruption in state financial losses," said ICW researcher Kurnia Ramadhana at the Launching of the 2023 Corruption Verdict Trend Monitoring Results) which was broadcast on YouTube ICW, Monday, October 14.

Kurnia revealed that the use of Article 2 and Article 3 of the Anti-Corruption Law reached 80.8 percent or 802 charges. While the rest is the bribery article with 88 charges or 8.9 percent; the acceleration with 63 charges or 6.3 percent; and extortion with 37 charges or 3.7 percent.

"Other findings, there were 19 debt gratuities, obstruction of justice or obstructing the legal process, there were 6 defendants, and this is interesting, the money laundering offense is only imposed on 17 defendants," explained the anti-corruption activist.

"This number is very, very small," continued Kurnia.

Kurnia alluded to the performance of law enforcement officials. He said the Attorney General's Office was superior in investigating allegations of corruption with elements of state losses compared to the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK).

According to him, the KPK is more focused on alleged bribery. "We encourage the KPK to investigate more cases with the context of state financial losses," he said.

Karena ada sesuatu yang dimulihkan dari proses penegakan hukum itu. Kalau suap kan tidak ada kerugian keuangan negara. Namun, bukan berarti suap itu ditinggalkan tapi terkait penegakan perkara korupsi kerugian keuangan negara, pungkas Kurnia.

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