JAKARTA - Law enforcers are reminded to be careful in conveying comments regarding cases that are being tried. They must be independent and must not be biased.

This was conveyed by a communication expert, Emrus Sihombing regarding the statement by the Director of Prosecution at the Attorney General's Office (AGO) Sutikno in an interview.

At that time, Sutikno commented on Sandra Dewi's testimony in the tin corruption case trial that ensnared her husband, Harvey Moeis. This AGO official claimed to have new evidence to refute what the artist said.

"Law enforcement should not be influenced by opinions and should not form opinions," Emrus told reporters quoted on Saturday, October 12.

Emrus reminded the principle of justice communication in responding to important trials is upheld. Moreover, law enforcers have special time in conveying their perspective.

"From the beginning of the investigation, the preparation of the examination report (BAP), reading the demands to reading the defense in the trial. So the space should be used to express comments," he said.

"Don't let what is not in court be conveyed outside the trial. If that's a new fact, it should just be conveyed at trial, not in media interviews outside the trial," he continued.

Furthermore, Emrus also assessed that law enforcement officials should only comment normatively outside the trial. "For example, as the police usually do. The answer is, 'it becomes the investigator's authority' or something like that. That's true," he said.

"But if it comes to new facts, it should be revealed in court, not outside the trial," concluded Emrus.

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