JAKARTA - Member of the House of Representatives from the PKB faction, Arzeti Bilbina, condemned the obscenity at the Darussalam An'Nur Foundation Orphanage, Kunciran Indah, Tangerang City. Which resulted in a number of children becoming victims of predators.

"This is a heinous and very worrying act. The Orphanage Foundation, which should be a safe place for children, has even an disgraceful action from its own owners and administrators. The perpetrators must be given the harshest punishment," said Arzeti Bilbina, Thursday, October 10.

The former member of Commission IX of the DPR hopes that the police together with relevant stakeholders will provide intensive psychological assistance to victims so that the incident does not have an impact on their future. According to him, psychological assistance for victims should be a priority.

In addition to physical health checks, psychological assistance for intense victims must be a priority. This is for the mental health of children who have experienced this extraordinary heinous incident," he said.

Psychological guidance as part of the process of healing victims' trauma. Children still have a future, lest they lose hope and confidence or become more severe predators too," added Arzeti.

The motive for the sexual predator case was revealed that one of the suspects had also been a victim of predators, resulting in sexual deviation. Arzeti hopes that the Government will pay attention to this issue.

"Make sure all human resources in institutions that handle children are examined from a psychological perspective. So official certification is very important, including intensive training related to parenting, child protection, and a professional code of ethics," he said.

"This certification must be a mandatory requirement before a person is allowed to work in an orphanage or a social foundation," continued Arzeti.

It is known that there have been 8 victims of child predator sexual abuse at the Kunciran Orphanage. The current number of victims is 8 people, all of whom are male. Of the 8 victims, 5 were children and 3 were adults.

So far, the police have obtained data on 18 children being treated at the Kunciran Orphanage, two of whom are still Toddlers. The police are still investigating the possibility of other victims from the suspects.

Arzeti emphasized that children must feel safe in care at orphanage foundations.

"In protecting children, the Government must ensure that every policy step taken focuses on the best interests of children, not just fulfilling administrative formality," he stressed.

Therefore, Arzeti assessed that there is a need for the formation of a Special Supervisory Agency that has full authority to oversee orphanages, daycare, and similar foundations that accommodate children.

"The function is to audit if found guilty, it must impose sanctions and close institutions that are proven to exploit children," concluded Arzeti.

It is known that the case of a child predator was uncovered starting with one of the victims with the initials R (16) who reported the sexual abuse to the police in July 2024. From the results of the examination of a number of witnesses and victims, the police have named 3 suspects in this case.

The three suspects are Sudirman (49) as chairman of the foundation, as well as Yusuf Bahtiar (30) and Yandi Supriyadi (28) as caregiver.

Sudirman and Yusuf have been arrested, while Yandi is still being hunted by the police and is now on the DPO (People Search List).

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