YOGYAKARTA - Every year, the selection of Candidates for Civil Servants (CPNS) is one of the most anticipated processes by the Indonesian people. One of the most important stages in the CPNS selection process is the Basic Competency Selection (SKD). The 2024 CPNS SKD will determine whether participants are worthy to continue to the next selection stage.

Therefore, it is important for prospective participants to recognize everything that is adrift of this test, including how long it will take to work on the 2024 CPNS SKD, test material, and strategies to deal with it.


SKD CPNS is one of the selection stages aimed at assessing the basic competencies that must be owned by each prospective civil servant. SKD uses the Computer Assisted Test (CAT) system, where participants will answer questions directly via computer. In this test, there are 3 modules tested, namely:

Each participant must pass the passing grade or threshold value that has been inaugurated to be able to proceed to the next session, namely the Competency Sector Selection (SKB). Therefore, preparing yourself carefully and knowing important details, such as the SKD work time, is very important.

For participants who want to explore the 2024 CPNS SKD test, one of the main problems is how long to work on the 2024 CPNS SKD? Sourced on the provisions that have been inaugurated by the State Civil Service Agency (BKN), the time given to complete the entire SKD issue is 90 minutes.

In those 90 minutes, participants want to be faced with several questions that must be resolved in accordance with the following material allocation:

The total number of questions that must be completed by participants is 110 questions. With a limited time, participants must be smart in managing the strategy and time of work on each problem. On average, participants have approximately 49 seconds to solve one problem. This means speed and accuracy are important keys in working on SKD.

Tips For Setting Time When Working On SKD CPNS 2024

Facing the 2024 CPNS SKD with a limited working time will definitely require a special strategy in order to maximize the results. Here are some tips for setting the time effectively:

1. Understand Types Of Problems And Allocate The Time Properly

When before starting work, it is important to master the type of problem that will be faced. For example, the crime scene issue is generally more descriptive and requires an understanding of personal characteristics, while the matter of TIU is more related to logic and quantitative understanding. By recognizing the type of problem, participants can allocate the right time for each section.

2. Don't Think For Too Long For Every Problem

Remember that every question has the same weight, so don't spend too long spending time doing one problem. If you feel doubtful about the answer, it's better to continue to the next question and return to the question later if there is still time.

3. Focus on the Issues that are Overpowered first

Start with easier and faster problems to solve. This will help save time and give confidence in solving more difficult questions.

4. Take advantage of the remaining time to check the Answer

After completing the entire problem, if there is still time left, use it to re-check the answers that have been given. This is important to determine whether there are no mistakes or missed questions.

The Importance Of CAT Exercises And Simulations

To be better prepared for the 2024 CPNS SKD, it is highly recommended for participants to train with CAT simulation questions. This simulation not only helps participants master the types of questions that will be tested, but also trains them to arrange times better. With regular training, participants will get used to the test format and be more confident when participating in the actual SKD.

Various online platforms provide CAT simulations that can be accessed for free or paid. Participants can use this simulation to increase their ability to answer questions quickly and accurately.

Mental Readiness In Working On CPNS SKD

Not only technical abilities and time settings, mental readiness is also very important in dealing with the 2024 CPNS SKD. Nervous or fear is often a barrier for participants in solving problems well. Therefore, maintaining calm and focus throughout the work of the test is the key to success.

Several methods to maintain mental calm include:

In addition, you also need to know what the Value of the 2024 CPNS Threshold for SKD and Bobot Values of each Problem looks like

So after knowing how long it will take to work on the 2024 CPNS SKD, see other interesting news on VOI.ID, it's time to revolutionize news!

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