CIANJUR - The Health Office of Cianjur Regency, West Java, noted that 71 victims of poisoning in two villages in Ciranjang District have recovered and are allowed to return home. However, the victim is still under the supervision of health workers who come directly to residents' homes.

Head of the Disease Prevention and Control Division of the Cianjur Health Office, Dr. Frida Laila Yahya, said that all victims of rice poisoning in boxes in Gunungsari and Kertajaya villages had returned to their respective homes after undergoing medical treatment at the Ciranjang Health Center.

"The costs during maintenance are borne by the government, including those referred to the Cianjur Sayang Hospital, where all victims have returned home but still receive supervision from local health workers," he said in Cianjur, Antara, Tuesday, October 8.

Health workers who go to the field also carry out health checks for dozens of residents even though they have been declared cured to ensure their health condition.

In fact, his party also asked health workers and medical personnel to intensify the socialization of the use of rice boxes from paper or besek to avoid poisoning, which is suspected to be the cause.

"We are still waiting for the results of laboratory tests related to the exact cause of poisoning by residents in the two villages, it is suspected that it is due to food raw materials and other causes because the rice box uses plastic or city from Styrofoam foam," he said.

The Cianjur Health Office has increased the number of health workers from the nearest service and health center to provide medical services for 71 victims of boxed rice poisoning in two villages in Ciranjang District, Monday (7/10).

Frida Laila Yahya said the number of residents who were poisoned with symptoms of nausea, dizziness and vomiting was dominated by children and adolescents, one of whom was referred to the Cianjur Sayang Hospital.

To provide fast servants, he said, around 15 health workers were assigned to the Ciranjang Health Center and several doctors gave servants directly to residents' homes to ensure their health conditions.

Regarding the poisoning that befell dozens of residents, it is suspected that the boxed rice given at the tahlilan event, where samples of food and vomit from residents have been taken by officers for examination in the laboratory.

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