The police uncovered a case of violent theft involving six perpetrators in Pageralang Village, Banyumas Regency, Central Java (Central Java).

"This violent theft case occurred on Friday (4 October) at around 01.30 WIB at the victim's house on behalf of Aris Mujiyanto (36), a resident of Pageralang Village RT 02 RW 12, Kemranjen District, Banyumas," said Head of Banyumas Police, Police Commissioner Ari Wibowo at a press conference at the Banyumas Police Reconfuge Hall, Purwokerto, Banyumas Regency, Tuesday, October 8, confiscated by Antara.

When the theft occurred, he continued, the victim was sleeping with his daughter in the living room and when she woke up, her hands were tied.

According to him, one of the perpetrators immediately pointed a knife at the victim's neck. Meanwhile, another perpetrator held the victim's hand tied up and another held the victim's leg while threatening not to scream.

The other three perpetrators, he continued, entered the victim's wife's bedroom and threatened to use a knife to the stomach.

"Looking at the situation, the victim managed to remove the rope that tied his hand and ran out of the house screaming for help from residents," he said.

After that, he said, the victim entered the house again while carrying bamboo to save his wife. Simultaneously, a resident on behalf of Sudiro tried to help dispel the perpetrators, resulting in a beating.

As a result of the incident, he continued, Sudiro suffered stab wounds to his hands, head, and back.

"The six perpetrators also tried to escape. However, only two perpetrators were able to be secured by residents, while the other four perpetrators managed to escape. The incident was then reported to the Kemranjen Police," he said.

Based on the results of the investigation, said the Chief of Police, the two arrested perpetrators had the initials OA (25), residents of Karangduren Village, Sokaraja District, Banyumas, and Abd (25), residents of Malino Village, Balaesang District, Donggala Regency, Central Sulawesi.

According to him, the two perpetrators were known to be recidivists in theft cases with weights.

"We have pocketed the names of the other four perpetrators and are currently pursuing them," he said.

Based on the results of the investigation and development, it is known that the perpetrators entered the victim's house through the side window.

According to him, the evidence that was secured included two machetes, one duct tape, one rope thread, and one car key.

"As for the article that we will suspect, namely Article 365 of the Criminal Code in conjunction with Article 53 of the Criminal Code with a maximum prison sentence of 9 years," said Kombes Ari.

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