YOGYAKARTA - The House of Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia (DPR RI) has an important position in carrying out the legislative role in Indonesia. One of the important instruments in carrying out this task is the Commission of the DPR RI, which is a working group that was built to tackle various specific areas of government.

This commission has important duties and roles in the process of making laws, supervising government performance, and preparing state budgets.

In this post, we will regulate in detail the duties of the Indonesian House of Representatives Commission, its position in the Indonesian government system, and the manner in which the division of work is carried out in each commission.

What Is The Commission Of The DPR RI?

The DPR RI Commission is a work unit under the DPR RI which was built to overcome certain areas in accordance with the duties and roles of the DPR RI as a whole. This commission was built to facilitate more in-depth and special discussions regarding various issues related to government policies, drafting laws, and supervising the implementation of the policy.

Currently, there are 11 commissions in the DPR RI, in which each commission has its own fields of responsibility and authority. This division of tasks allows DPR members to focus more on studying, supervising, and sharing inputs that are adrift of various issues experienced by the government.

Main Function Of Commission Of The DPR RI

The House of Representatives Commission has 3 main roles that are the basis for implementing its duties. The role is:

1. Legislation Function

The main function of the DPR RI is to make laws. In this matter, each commission is tasked with drafting a law (RUU) related to the field that is its responsibility. For example, Commission I in charge of defense and abroad will participate in drafting bills related to national defense or international relations.

In the legislative process, the commission functions to carry out studies, discussions, and hearings with related parties, such as the government, experts, and the community. The task of this commission is very important to ensure that the resulting law can provide maximum benefits to the community.

2. Budget Function

Not only making laws, the DPR also functions in compiling and ratifying the state budget. In addition, the task of the DPR RI Commission is to discuss and approve the budget allocation proposed by the government in accordance with its field. Each commission will carry out budget discussions with the ministries or institutions that are under its supervision.

For example, Commission III, which is responsible for law and security, will regulate the budget proposed by the National Police, the Attorney General's Office, and the Ministry of Law and Human Rights. The Commission will evaluate whether the budget allocation is in accordance with national needs and priorities before giving approval.

3. THE ROLE OF Supervision

The role of supervision is one of the key roles played by the DPR, as well as commissions in the DPR that are responsible for supervising the implementation of government policies in each field. In carrying out this function, the task of the DPR RI Commission is to determine that the government, both at the central and regional levels, carry out policies in accordance with the regulations that have been set and the budget that has been approved.

This supervision can be carried out through work meetings, hearings, and working visits to the regions to ensure that government policies are actually implemented effectively.

Each commission in the DPR RI has different fields of responsibility in accordance with the government sector it oversees. The following are some of the commissions of the DPR RI and their fields of duty:

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