TANGERANG - Suherizal, a seller of Teh Solo drinks who was desperate to burn himself because he was jealous of his wife, eventually died after undergoing medical treatment at the hospital.

"The victim received treatment at Bhakti Asih Hospital in Ciledug and yesterday was declared dead due to burns," said Pondok Aren Police Chief Kompol Muhibbur when confirmed, Friday, October 4.

Muhibbur also revealed that 80 percent of the victims suffered burns, due to his reckless actions.

"The burns are up to 80 percent," he said.

Previously, Suherizal poured gasoline into his body and then set himself on fire during an argument with his wife. The husband and wife selling Solo Tea on the side of Pondok Kacang road made a big fuss, attracting the attention of local residents, on Wednesday, October 2.

Suherizal's action made people panic even more because he was pouring his body with gasoline that he bought at retail stalls. In fact, beside him there was a Pertamina gas station. Suherizal's burning action certainly made residents panic. Not only lives are at stake, but worried that the flash of fire spread to gas stations.

Riki, one of the local residents, explained that Suherizal tried to burn himself at night.

"Yes, last night (Wednesday, October 2). At 22.30 WIB. Because of an argument with his wife," Riki said when met at the location, Thursday, October 3.

"He burned it using the lighter. Then his body burned. We saw it directly, "he said.

Riki admitted that he saw his body skin peeling off. However, the victim is still saved. The victim was immediately taken to the nearest hospital.

"It's peeling off, bro. It looks like the meat. But still safe. He was immediately taken to the hospital," he concluded.

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