JAKARTA - Prior to the implementation of the Good Friday service, the area around the Jakarta Cathedral Church was heavily guarded by security forces. Kapolsek Sawah Besar AKP Maulana Mukarom said there were hundreds of joint TNI and Polri personnel on alert.

"For roughly the same personnel, there are 150 joint TNI Polri personnel, there are Satpol PP, and there is a bomb disposal unit that is on standby for 1x24 hours. Last night there were also members who were plotting to be on standby to patrol until the morning," said Maulana to reporters. , Friday, April 2.

He then explained that the Good Friday celebration at the Cathedral Church would be held at 15.00 WIB and 18.00 WIB. For anticipation, romantic vehicles have been prepared.

In addition, the Directorate of Security of Vital Objects (Pam Obvit) Polda Metro Jaya also provides X-Ray devices and metal detectors. This tool will later be used to screen those who will enter and leave the church.

The number of congregants who will participate in the Good Friday service will be 300 people. They will have to show the barcode from the new committee to be allowed to enter.

"The congregation has been registered online, so according to the committee there are 300 people registered. Then the mechanism that comes must scan the barcode and if it is not there, they are not allowed to enter," he concluded.

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