TANGERANG - Dozens of city transportation (angkot) drivers in Tangerang from various routes that serve a number of routes, held demonstrations in front of the Tangerang Regent's Office to demand restrictions on unlicensed public transportation.

Angkot drivers from various areas block roads by parking their vehicles in the Tangerang Regency Government Center Area, Tigaraksa, Wednesday, October 2.

Meanwhile, the concentration of the demonstrators was centered in front of the Tangerang Regent's office by voicing his aspirations and unfurling a number of banners with demands.

Deputy Chairperson of the Tangerang Regency Land Transport Organization (Organda) as well as coordinator of the action period Ansyah Sandy said that the action was carried out to convey several demands, especially regarding the existence of unlicensed public transportation.

"We are carrying out this action to demand control of the existence of transportation that does not have complete licensing as per the applicable laws and regulations," he said, as quoted by ANTARA, Wednesday, October 2.

According to him, with no firm steps from the local government against unauthorized public transportation actors, it is increasingly troubling. Even the existence of illegal transportation is increasingly rampant and irregular. As a result, he continued, the income of angkot drivers who officially follow regional regulations has decreased drastically.

"Of course this is detrimental to us for official routes and following the rules," he said.

In addition to unlicensed public land transportation, his party also demands that the existence of employee/tourism buses domiciled outside the Tangerang Regency area carry out shuttle activities to be brought under control.

"Then, mining transport vehicles such as tronton trucks operate outside of operating hours," he said.

Ansyah revealed that the mining vehicle currently clearly violated Tangerang Regent Regulation Number 12 of 2022 concerning the Second Amendment to Tangerang Regent Regulation No. 46 of 2018 concerning Restrictions on Operational Time of Goods Cars on Roads in Tangerang Regency Areas. This condition must be followed up and given strict sanctions by the local government as to provide justice to his party.

During the action, the mass of angkot drivers expanded the prosecution for demonstrations by walking to the Regional House of Representatives (DPRD) after not being able to meet with representatives of the Tangerang Regency Government (Pemkab).

In this situation, the police together with the local Satpol PP also deployed dozens of personnel to secure the proceedings of the demonstration.

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