JAKARTA - Pope Francis has asked Catholic priests (priests) to always be humble like Jesus Christ, during the Holy Thursday Chrism Mass at St. Peter's Basilica, Thursday, April 1 local time.

This is the second Easter season in a row under COVID-19 restrictions. The Vatican is following guidelines from Italy, which has seen a resurgence of infections and deaths.

On the occasion, Pope Francis blessed oil for the sacrament of the church, leading the cardinals, bishops and about 75 priests in renewing their vows.

In his homily, Pope Francis asked priests to be humble, reminding them that Jesus cared for sinners and outcasts, while ignoring the self-righteous scorn of critics of his day.

In the evening, Pope Francis delegated an official Thursday evening Mass in St. Peter's Basilica, to another prelate, Cardinal Giovanni Battista Re.

Launching Vatican News, Pope Francis at 17.30 local time met Cardinal Angelo Becciu in the chapel of Cardinal Becciu's private apartment and held a Mass of the Lord's Supper. Apart from the Cardinal and the nuns who helped him, members of the Focolari movement were also present.

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Pope Francis with Cardinal Becciu, archive. (Vatican Media via Vatican News)

The Vatican did not immediately comment on this. Separately, Father Angelo Sceppacerca, an aide to the cardinal, confirmed the meeting by telephone call with Reuters.

The news of this meeting is shocking, as was the case when Pope Francis fired Cardinal Angelo Becciu last September on charges of embezzlement and nepotism.

Becciu said at the time the Pope was acting on the information provided to the Pope by the Vatican and Italian judges. Becciu is still under investigation.

The Pope removes him as head of the Vatican department which decides who will become a Roman Catholic saint. The Pope also revoked his rights as a cardinal, including participation in his eventual conclave to elect a new pope.

The plan is for Pope Francis to preside over two services on Good Friday, the day Christians commemorate the crucifixion and two on Holy Saturday. On Easter Sunday, the most important day in the Christian liturgical calendar, Pope Francis will deliver the message 'Urbi et Orbi' (to the city and to the world).

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